" I told ya so, I got an instinct with this kind of thing, " he smirks to show his pride in himself and I smile back.

" You're just the best fortune teller ever, you should set up a shop, " I grin sarcastically looking round and up at him mid-sentence.

" Definitely! I'd make millions and you could be my secretary, " he looks down towards me and we giggle with each other sounding very much like those basic teenage girls.

The bus comes to a halt after roughly ten minutes and we walk back down the whole bus and the man with the cast also walks down. The bus door opens an the back of the smudged green paint isn't much better than the front. Tommy nods his head politely towards the driver, who's still chomping her gum as if her life depends on it, and we both step down off the bus and the casted man follows. We dart under the shelter of the bus stop as the rain immediately pelts us like bullets.

" We're gonna have to run for it, " Tommy says, " Three blocks down, I reckon we can make it without getting too wet. "

" Let's d-do this, r-run like you're Batman or something, " I chuckle and smile.

" On three: One, two, THREE! " he shouts and we charge out the bus stop and down the street. My bag bounces against my back and my shoelaces start to slip out, but I don't slow down. It's an effort to keep up with Tommy, he's got legs like slender man, but it'll just gets us there faster.

We sprint for literally about two minutes before we come bounding into the cinema, panting, out of breath and ridiculously sodden.

I laugh and say energetically, " we're only a tad bit wet! "

" Ya think?! " Tommy replies with sarcasm, chuckling and ringing out his hair and hoodie.

We chuckle an traipse over to the large, lit up board to see what's on right now. We might just make the beginning of a new film called The Book of Henry, I haven't heard of it.

" We could see The Book of Henry? " Tommy suggests and I decide to give it a try, it can't be that bad.

" Sure, why not, " I shrug and we walk over to the counter with water dripping down our ankles. The man at the desk look up at us and I see him subtly raise his right eyebrow slightly and disapproval.

" Can we buy two tickets for the current showing of The Book of Henry, please, " Tommy smiles confidently at the man.

" One second, " he sighs with a slight lisp and squats down underneath the counter to some cupboards. We wait about a minute before he pops back up holding two sheets of card about half the size of and A5 sheet of paper.

He hands them over to us and says with his lisp very prominent, " that'll be twenty pounds fifty and it's screening five. "

Tommy pulls some money out his deep jean pocket and places it on the counter, " thank you! "

We walk away, vaguely aware of him eyeing us as we head down the hallway about the width of the car towards the doors marked with a bright highlighted number five in front of it.

" W-what I don't get, is adults a-always tell teens to go o-out, but when we-we do it's ' oh no! A bunch of teenagers! H-Hide! '" I mutter.

" Truer words have never been spoken, " Tommy sighs as we walk into screening five. The film is just starting so we hurry over to the seat numbers on the tickets and hastily mutter, " sorry, " multiple times as we step over people's legs.

Finally in our seats, we can actually watch what's going on. I don't think it's too bad, but it's difficult to pick up much when I'm just so distracted. I'm mainly distracted by Tommy, since he actually placed his head on my shoulder at one point, and partially the fact that my mum is going to be absolutely livid at me for being late home. I'm not following her rules anymore though, I get to leave home in a year and a half, I'm not a child anymore and she doesn't have power over me.

I try to focus on the millions of pixels in front of me, and I pick up that the main character is pretty smart and he crushes on this girl who has an abusive dad, sounds slightly familiar...

I go stiff and bite my lip in an awkward smile, Tommy laid his head on my shoulder. His hair tickles my neck slightly but it's worth it and I don't dare move in case he moves out the position.

The movie finishes and Tommy yawns dramatically, " Well, that was fun, " he lifts up his head and smiles tiredly at me. I chuckle, " you were asleep for most of it. "

" Still got a good sleep though, " he mumbles as his picks out sleep from the crevasses in his eyes.

" Hey, what time is it? " I suddenly realise it must be around five pm, or later.

" Crap, it's ten past six. I was meant to be home uh... twenty five minutes ago I think... oops, " he laughs lightly looking at his watch and stands up.

" Oops, I was supposed to be home an hour ago. Oh well, " I shrug happily. and stand up as well, and we tiredly trudge towards the exit.

" Well, I live just up the street so I'm just gonna head home, you? " he smiles down at me as he rubs his eyes forcefully.

" I live a while from here, I'll just walk back, " I reply, sad that this day will be over and I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see him again.

" Cool, see ya at school! " a grin spreads across his cheeks and he turns around and half-jogs half-walks to the left. I watch him disappear from my vision and then turn, put my hands in my pockets and trudge home with a sheepish grin on my face.

(( I've had severe writer's block with this chapter and I've procrastinated writing it really badly. The bonus is, I skipped it to chapter four and five which are now pre-written because my brain was allowing words to be typed on those.

Anyways, enjoy and comment if I made any grammar mistakes or whatever! This chapter was 1700 words long which is pretty damn long for me so I hope y'all like it! ))

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