Harry and I sat in comfortable silence eating our food until Ron hurried in and sat next to us making small talk when he didn't have a mouth full of food.
After we ate we spend most of the day relaxing and playing wizards chest Ron about lost it when j told him I didn't know how to play Ron left our side when we went to search the library before dinner.

"Nothing" I sighed in defeat
"I wonder" Harry muttered under his breath
I peeked my head out from the side of the self to look at him but he stared off in to space clearly deep on thought.
"Maybe... Yes.... Erm no.... Hmm"
I leaned against the shelf waiting for him to come back to reality.
After another moment I began to grow impatient.

"HARRY! " I yelled
He jumped startled his eye widen as he scanned the room his eye finally landed on me and he seemed to relax it almost seems like he completely forgotten I was even here.

"Mind telling me what going on in your head?"
"Oh yeah hehe up for a adventure tonight?"
"Obviously we can't find answers we need in this section but what if we look in the restricted section" he explained

"But student aren't allowed"
"Yeah but who's to know if we wait for everyone to go to bed and sneek in" he smiled proud of his idea
"But what if someone se-" I was cut off
"Don't worry no one will see us I'll meet you at midnight outside of slytherin common room"
I nodded my head but something was telling it was a very bad plan.

~time skip~

Music filled the great hall as harry and (y/n)  entered food hadn't been severed yet (y/n)  sat at the nearest table waiting but harry had a wide grin as a idea came into his head.
"We haven't truely celebrated this amazing day you know" he said as he walked next to where his sister sat she stared at him with a confused look
Harry only giggled slightly as he offered her his hand.
The girl is now absolutely baffled on what Harry  is doing but she takes his hand with a little tug she stood up.
"I always watched as the dursley danced with there family seems like fun don't you think?"
"But I don't know how" she whispered to him
"Nether do I" he whispered back "but I'll do my best" he grined he grabbed her other hand she laughed.
"Well how did they do it?" She asked Harry  began jump around and shake his hips holding on to her hand a little tighter through threw hand in the  air laughter erupted from both children began jumping and spinning for a moment they were in there own little world were nothing could go wrong it was just them. 
Unfortunately there moment os short lived as Ron and the twins snickers at them but for once they didn't care nothing was gonna stop there fun eventually the brothers joined the twins doing there most silliest  dance moves.
"Food here" Ron said as he rushed to the tables to make himself a plate of you didn't know Ron you'd think he was starving. 

Harry grabbed (y/n)  for behind lifting her feet of the ground as he spun quickly gotten himself dizzy once he set his sister down they both stumbled around clinging on to each other for support. 
They could feel angry eye on them they look to see McGonagall and snape walking towards them smiles faded of there faces and there laughed stopped.

"Must I warn you again to behave yourselfs?" McGonagall scolded them.
Both shook there head no
"(Y/l/n) I will not tolerate you acting like a wild animal" snape sneered

"Severus please there kids it was harmless fun but not the place to have it remember both of you this is were we eat not were we play" she reminded both of them
"Yes proffesor McGonagall" they said together
"Go eat" she waved them off with her hand as she turned to return to meal but snape watch the both of them.
They both walked over to were there friends sat but before (y/n)  could sit down snape voice came from behind

"I believed you are confused slytherin tabled is over there" he said point across the room she frowned.
"But sir I'd like to eat with my friends" she whined
"I see two perfectly good slytherin students over there go join them make friends in your own house" though his tone was normal you could hear the anger in his words
(Y/n)  glared at him as she walk past him making her way to the slytherin table taking her seat next to two boys that seemed a few years older than her.

"Ewww she stinks like Gryffindor" one boy
"Should we burn her before she taints the rest of us" the second boy said
"Hey your the girl who parents beats huh?"
"Let's see your arms"
"Leave me alone please" she said as she attempted to make herself  plate of food but the boy sitting near her grabbed her arm and rolled up her sleeve.
Her scars showed she noticed the patch the snape put the potion on had came back.
"Look it true she a scared freak!" They yelled out loud enough for the whole room to hear.
Bennu appeared in the girl vision she pushed the boy as hard as she could making him slide quite some ways from her as she stood up she bolted to the door. 

Tears filled the girl vision causing her to see red
"Wait up!"
"No I want to be alone"
"Hurry in the girls restroom" benu instructioned
The girl wasted no time in to rushing in by the time she stopped  running her lung burned and blood was dripping from her chin on to her clothes
"Oh no" she sniffled out
"Calm yourself there no use in crying over boys"
"It not that it didn't work the scars came back I am a scared freak" she cried sobbing more
"Geezz kid come on go clean your face" the girl  obeyed and washed the blood from her face doing her best not to cry anymore out.

"Star near" bennu growled
"You'll protect me right?" She asked but the bennu only shook her head
"There only so much I can do for you"
Before (y/n)  could open her mouth to ask bennu what she could do star made her entrance through the door.
Star said not a word only stared daggers at the girl with out warning she charges at the girl strong hands wrapped around their neck with such Force they both slide causing the poor girl back to smack into the hard stonewall's slight cracking could be heard as a stone began to break under pressure but the girl push star back before any real damage the walls could be done.
star staggers back to her feet in two seconds flat regaining balance star eyes begin change color the white of their eyes turn black as Iris turn a swirl of dark blue and purple with White star-shaped Spec's within swirl of color.
With inhuman speed she behind (y/n)  her foot kick behind girl knee causing her to drop to her knees the small girl feels sharp steel against her neck she squeezed her eyes shut wondering if it less scary that way.

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