"The coast is clear!" She yells, and off they go down the enormous stairs which tower over the gaping chasm.

The orange glow draws closer as the fellowship sprint, their hearts racing with both fear and adrenaline. Robins cold has seemed to temporarily disappear due to the amount of action, but this still leaves her short breathed, and she struggles to keep up as her body aches from exhaustion.

Suddenly, they come across a large gap between the stairs.

Legolas jumps the distance effortlessly, and Robin follows, looking nowhere near as elegant as her foot catches the edge and she hurls her body back up.

The rest of the fellowship look across the gap with wide eyes, and Legolas beckons for Gandalf.

"You catch them, I'll hold off the orcs." Robin inquires, and Legolas nods, helping Gandalf as the wizard jumps across.

Robin aims her bow towards the orcs which line the edge of the walls from afar, and fires her arrows, successfully hitting her targets.

Boromir takes Merry and Pippin under his arms as he jumps across, all three successfully landing on the other side with the help of Legolas, but causing a chunk of the staircase inwhich they jumped from to fall away.

"Sam!" Aragorn calls out, picking up the hobbit and throwing him across to the other side, Boromir and Legolas assist in catching him.

Gimli is next, and as Aragorn goes to pick up the dwarf, he raises his hand in protest.

"Nobody tosses a dwarf!" Gimli barks, before taking a mighty leap, but barely making the edge. Falling back, the dwarf reaches out, only to be welcomed by a tug on his knotted beard.

"Mind the beard!" Gimli squabbles, and Legolas pulls the dwarf to safety. He then looks up expectantly towards Aragorn and Frodo, the last two remaining on the other side.

Robin continues to hit orcs with her arrows, only stopping to see who has made it across, when a sudden loud crack attracts her attention. She turns her head to see another chunk of the staircase falling into the depths of the chasm, leaving Aragorn and Frodo with an impossible jump.

"Bloody hell." She murmurs beneath her breath, dodging and arrow and firing one back. Her throat begins to tingle again, and she breathes through her mouth as her nose returns to its blocked state.

The man and hobbit back further away from the gap, Aragorn ordering to hold on, and the daunting orange glow creeps once again into sight. The staircase begins to sway side to side, causing everybody to hold their breath.

"Lean forward" Aragorn yells, and the hobbit obeys. With another crack, the staircase begins to fall forward, heading straight towards the rest of the fellowship.

Aragorn and Frodo jump just in time, landing safely in the arms of their catchers, and everybody seems to sigh in relief. But the relaxation doesn't last long, as the orange glow now illuminates most of their previous path.

Robin fires one last arrow, before joining the rest of the fellowship as they bolt down the remaining steps.

~Røbins P.Ø.V~

"Out of the frying pan and into the- holy shit!" I holler, as I turn my head to see a massive beast emerging from the flames which engulf the room. It lowers its ugly head and lets out a roar of pure fire before charging in our direction, and I take the hint to keep on running.

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