Jinn’s gloved fist clenched at his side and his jaw tensed, but the anger had gone from him to be replaced with a burning curiosity as he narrowed his eyes and tilted his head slightly, as though considering something he had never encountered before. And actually, he hadn’t. Never before in all the time that the Angels had taken the Earth had Jinn been faced with such blatant disregard for one’s own life.

‘Arrest her.’

The little crowd that had been milling about just out of arms reach, vultures of inquisitiveness, drew a collective breath that echoed Mike at those words and they all seemed to take a step back, leaving Eutopia and Mike alone to face the wrath of Jinn and his guards.

‘Arrest her, for what?’ Mike demanded which was answered immediately by the back of Jinn’s hand that resounded in the open space with a dull thud that was almost sickening. Mike reeled with the blow, stumbling back against the waiting crates of potatoes that rested at just the right height to trip him up. Luckily he had been expecting something of the kind and was able to brace himself enough to prevent a tumble, thought it took a moment for him to regain his balance. His shaggy red hair had fallen across his equally red cheeks, his eyes closed against the hurt and embarrassment he felt. Every nerve in his body burned to retaliate and his biceps, scrawny in comparison to the brawn of Jinn, were taut. A little girl in the crowd began to cry but was instantly shushed by her mother.

‘Do not question my orders,’ Jinn growled as Mike nursed his split lip and looked on with helpless frustration as the nearest guard; tall and slim, took hold of Eutopia and swiftly shackled her wrists behind her back. Two other guards moved forwards, perfect features stony as they stood shoulder to shoulder and blocked Mike’s view of Eutopia, encompassing her completely with their dark blue uniforms. He could see the Commander’s head easily above the other four, his dark head standing out in stark contrast to the lighter hair of his men. But Eutopia had all but disappeared.

‘Tell Horace,’ the girl cried, though Mike could no longer see her. ‘Horace knows!’

The unflinching Commander stalked ahead without as much as a backward glance. The sandy-haired guard that had shackled Eutopia barked sharply at her.

‘Move.’ The guard’s large hand rested heavily on the back of her neck, urging her forward through the lingering crowd that parted like the Red Sea before the Commander and Eutopia had no choice at that time other than to follow. She could feel her heart pounding in her throat, looping in heavy, stomach-churning leaps. She had never known anyone to be arrested before and judging by the terrified hush that had fallen upon Market Square, no one else had either. Though Eutopia’s eyes were downcast, carefully concentrating on each step so that her wobbly legs didn’t betray her trepidation, her head remained aloft as she was led away to a fate she was uncertain of.

Once they were clear of the crowd, the folk of the Wolds who’d ventured out to stock their cupboards clustered along the edges of the Square like sheep, Jinn stopped and turned to face Eutopia. An uncertain murmur rumbled through the spectators. Was the girl going to be put to death now? Such a punishment was usually metered out instantly as the Angels weren’t all that showy, so what was going on? His feline eyes seemed to burn into her very soul as he studied her once again with such a detached and icy interest that Eutopia felt a shudder coarse through her lithe frame. She fought to hold his gaze and the strength it took her to do this even momentarily made her tremble. She was afraid for her life, but she’d be damned if she would let him see it.

Eutopia raised her head a little higher, though she nibbled her lower lip and shifted her weight nervously from foot to foot. She could feel the lean but strong body of the guard at her side, one of his hands wrapped around her bound wrists. There was no escape for her. The Commander gave a self-satisfied smirk which twitched up the corner of his bow-shaped lips, though his eyes remained flat and strangely devoid of emotion as he finally broke the tenuous thread that had been spun invisibly between them. The girl turned her head, peering over her thin shoulder to find what had caught Jinn’s interest.

‘No, Mike!’ she cried suddenly as her red-haired friend barrelled, bellowing like some wounded animal, towards the nearest guard. Standing at least two heads taller than Mike, who was himself six foot three, the Angel that Mike had launched himself at swung his wide fist almost lazily, smashing into Mike’s jaw with enough ferocity to make him spray blood from his lips as he spun on his feet and doubled over.

‘No!’ Eutopia shouted at Jinn, who had already turned away. ‘Please, no more. Make him stop.’ But the stony Commander gave no indication that he had heard.

The guard brought the point of his elbow down hard onto the nape of Mike’s neck as the rust-coloured head was bowed, forcing him to his knees. Eutopia shook her head wildly, hot tears flowing unchecked down her cheeks as she caught sight of the gleaming flash of metal as a sword was drawn. She no longer cared whether the Commander saw her panic or not, her thoughts were no longer for herself.

‘Don’t,’ she moaned, straining against the hand that held her fast. She could feel the tendons in her shoulders burning as she pulled desperately against her bonds in an attempt to run to her friend who lay in a crumpled heap at the guard’s boots, a silvery flash arcing towards him.

‘I beg you!’ she screamed in Jinn’s direction, blinded by her hot tears of fear and fury as she continued to pull, launching herself forwards again and again. The thin metal wire of her restraints bit sharply into her wrists as she struggled but the pain went unnoticed. The Wolds had fallen silent, even the birds had ceased their incessant chatter. Eutopia was aware of a hoarse, shuddering sob that laboured like a horse in full gallop but she was well past the point of caring that it was her making the sound.

She missed the single jerk of Jinn’s beautiful dark head and so the world dropped out from beneath her without warning. The guard that had been holding her bound wrists now had his meaty arm slung around her waist, clutching her to his thick chest as they shot up and up into the endless blue sky. Swallowing her pride, the choking sobs dying in her throat as fast as the tears dried on her cheeks with the velocity of their motion, Eutopia turned her head and buried her face in the guard’s neck which she found surprisingly warm. They were travelling too fast for her to feel sick with the motion but the colours of the land and sky streaking around them were too dizzying and the feel of nothingness beneath her bare feet was too disconcerting to watch.

One hollow, exhausted cry was the only sound that ripped from her lips as the thought of Mike cowed on the ground played over and over in her mind, shattered by the streak of a silver sword.

Was he alive or dead?

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