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Hello. I thank anyone who took time out of there day or night to read my poetry. I just wanted to tell you all before you read I right about things in my life, and I personally have never had the urge to right love poetry intell recently and I want to warn you all its not all puppy and kittens it's mostly like "What the heck is wrong with me ahhhhh." Just a little inside knowledge I'm eighteen and never even been on a date. No my parent is not strict he actually constantly asks if I have a boyfriend yet, and my mother and a few of my friends think I'm gay. Probley more because my best friend was bisexual and we were really close so they might have thought we had a thing wich we dint. Sory I got off track. I tend to ramble a lot. Hope you love my poetry or at least don't hate it. Comments greatly apreshiated.

Forever Falling Out of Love (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora