As soon as the doors parted an inch, they were violently thrown back by a howl of wind which brought with it a lashing of ice cold rain and a greeting roar of thunder. Loki seemed to cackle in the storm’s wake, “I have not seen the skies this hostile since that incident with the wench when you were fourte-“

“Loki!” Thor snapped as he pushed roughly passed the slighter man, “We are here to fight! Not regale each other with pointless tales of our youth” he growled, and Loki’s eyes sparked at the practically primitive desire for blood his brother displayed.

“As you wish, Thor” Loki placated with a sly tone as he followed his brother into the rain. They were drenched in seconds.

As the two men stalked into the center of the wide open area, the mud sludgy and slippery beneath their boots, the clangs of swords and grunts of battling men around them abruptly ceased. The warriors who had braved the weather to battle eyed the two brothers warily before they sheathed their weapons and began to disperse. It was unclear whether it was the sheer violent energy Thor exuded or the mischievous smirk that played on Loki’s lips that unnerved them, but none the less the warriors retired back to the palace barracks to give the brothers privacy.

Loki took his place opposite Thor, a good few feet between them. His slender fingers gripped his drenched casual cloak and whipped it from his body to expose the light sparring armour beneath; proving to some extent that his offer for a battle was premeditated rather than spur of moment.

Thor, already clad in his battle armour, stared unwaveringly through the water-darkened locks of his hair that clung to his angular jaw and broad neck. His rain-slicked fingers clenched the short handle of Mjölnir, arm trembling with the desire to swing and break anything in his path with the mighty weapon. His whole body sang for blood and battle.

Loki’s sharp eyes observed the tension which riddled his brother’s muscular body, and he smirked at the sight, his tongue darting out to lick the rain from his lips. His own body remained loose and relaxed in contrast, despite the intimidating figure before him which bayed for a skirmish. Without a warning to his brother, other than a savage roar which challenged the thunderous sky itself, Thor lunged, Mjölnir swinging forth with terrifying force.

The hammer struck nothing, and Thor skidded to a halt in the mud. He followed the brief flash of green he had glimpsed from the corner of his eye and turned to his see his brother standing – unharmed - mere meters away, an infuriating smirk once again twisting his lips.

"You must do better than that, brother, if you ever wish to strike me" Loki called over the hammering rain, but Thor had no trouble hearing the mocking tone. With a snarl Thor charged again, and Loki braced himself for the impact. This reassured Thor that his brother would not retreat like a coward for the second time, and so swung his hammer again with a grunt of effort.
He gave an enraged snarl when his hammer flew through the clone, which faded away - in the most unsatisfying manner - seconds after Mjölnir passed through its midsection.

"LOKI!" Thor snarled, turning with such force that his hair whipped around, droplets flying from the tip of each drenched lock. "Why do you insist on your tricks! Cease this cowardly action and fight me!" he demanded, his voice briefly drowning out the heavy drumming of the rain. He heard a soft laugh behind him that somehow carried over the formidable weather.

He turned to see his brother situated at the other end of the arena with his arms folded across his chest, looking surprisingly regal despite his drenched state with his hair plastered to his scalp and nape. The God of Mischief smirked tauntingly at his brother, challenge gleaming in his eyes.

"Can the mighty God of Thunder not fell an opponent without them kneeling at his feet?" he queried, the snide words pricking Thor's pride and further enraging the god.

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