7 - How

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7 - How

*Third Person's POV*

Steve Rogers woke up to find himself surrounded by greenery. He kept thinking how did he get here, the last thing he could remember was falling. He got up all of a sudden and went to pick up his shield. He needed to find Bucky, he needed to find his friend.

He walked through the forest, when he stumbled upon a body. A small pool of blood began to form around the woman. He bent down immediately turning over her body to check for a pulse. He was horrified when he saw her face.

No, no, no it can't be. She can't still be alive. Steve thought to himself, he looked like he had seen a ghost. He knew he had to help her it wasn't in his nature not to. He lifted her up into his arms, when he heard something clatter to floor. He bent down to pick up the necklace the woman had dropped. He turned it over rubbing away the blood.

'Till the End of the Line'

Once Steve saw that it was enough to show him that his friend had lived and if she was to live for any longer he would have to get her to a hospital, fast.

Natasha Romanoff went to the underground base Fury had kept safe in case of an emergency. She was scared. She had just revealed all of S.H.I.E.L.D's secrets, including everything about her and every little thing she had ever done. She had become a target for numerous dangerous people who would do anything to have her dead. But this was not a time for her to be scared, she wasn't allowed to feel scared.

A sudden beeping came from her jacket pocket. She knew that beeping could only mean one thing. Swiftly, she whipped out the tracer from her jacket and scanned through the information. Her friend is still alive after all this time. All she could think was that facial recognition tracker wasn't for nothing. She hooked up the device to the nearest computer and managed to pin point a location on Sila.

Natasha retreated the device and ran out of there as fast as she could, not looking back for a single second.

Steve got to the nearest hospital within a matter of minutes. He knew he couldn't go in to the hospital in his suit, it would be too dangerous for him and for Sila. He dropped her off as close to the hospital as her could checking she had been taken in before he left.

Steve went to change into some regular clothing and clean himself up a bit. He splashed his face with cold water wiping it away with the damp towel. He had so many questions that needed to be answered. How is Sila still alive? Did Fury know about it? And most importantly why wasn't he told about her?

He hung the towel back on to the rack and left to go back to the hospital. Steve wasn't fond of hospitals, they made him feel uncomfortable. He went up to the reception.

"Excuse me, a young woman around her mid twenties with gun shot wounds was checked in here not long ago. Can you tell me where she is being kept?" He asked the young nurse working the phones.

"Another visitor, for girl who was found on the sidewalk she sure has a lotta friends." She asked.

"She already has a visitor."

"Yeah, a sister. Anyway it's Room 107, down the hall, sixth door on your left."

"Thank you."

He opened the door to find Natasha sat in the chair beside the bed. He was not expecting to see Natasha here and neither was she. She could only think how did Steve know about Sila?

"Natasha? What are you doing here?" Steve asked sitting in the seat on the other side of the bed.

"I am here to see a friend just like you." She replied.

"It is really her isn't it."

"The same Sila Lockwell you knew, I also knew. But I don't know if she will still be the same person we once knew."

"What do you mean?"

"Sila came to work with S.H.I.E.L.D not long after I did and we worked together a lot. But the year before we found you, we had a mission to complete."

"I'm guessing it didn't end well."

"At the time a few HYDRA supporters still existed and were searching for the tesseract, so we went to find them and any information they had. It was supposed to be a simple assignment, but..."

"HYDRA got her, didn't they? Like Bucky." Steve said looking down, his heart had been truly shattered. He couldn't go through what he had just been through with Bucky again with Sila. It would break him.

"Yes and believe me Steve I tried to find her. Even when we were battling Loki in New York, I still tried to search for her." She said with the most sincerity Steve had ever heard from her. She well and truly meant it.

"I do, but how did you know she would be here now?"

"The day she was taken I placed a tracer, which had a facial recognition tracker on every wirelessly accessible camera available to her face."

"Right, but how has she managed to stay alive for so long and look the same because from what you've said she didn't end up frozen like me."

"Oh boy, you're gonna love this."

"Go on."

"She's from Asgard, so the longevity comes from there. But she was raised on Earth. She's half Lucidia, so she has the ability of mind control and telepathy."

"And the other half?"

"Part Traveller and part Kinetic." She replied.

"And that means?" Steve continued to ask.

"If you would let me finish, Traveller means she has the ability to teleport. Kinetic is telekenisis, being able to move objects with the mind."

"Wow. It seems like all my friends are coming back from the dead with some sort of secret."

"What she did was probably for the best. I mean if she told you back in the 1940s what she was you wouldn't have believed her."

"I can't say I would."

Natasha looked up at her friend lying, all limp and lifeless on the hospital bed and then back at Steve.

"She's not going to be the same, is she?"

"No one who has been taken by HYDRA ever stays the same."


Hey guys! So there is a introduction to Steve and some more Natasha. I hope you like this new chapter. This is now back to after the winter soldier movie just to let you know if anyone is confused.

I just want to thank all you fabulous people for reading and voting. Thank you for 200 reads!

Please do feel free to comment and let me know what you think. I value your opinions highly and it also helps me to see what I can do to improve this story further.

ily guys


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