High And Mighty

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Chapter :20
High And Mighty

Mia P.O.V

Waking up was always hard for me, even as a little kid. I remember being five and my Mom waking me up and me having to be dragged out of bed by her and nana Norma.

"Mi niña levántate parade decir así you should behave like a little lady, not a spoiled princess," nana Norma says talking in Spanish then going to English some words were out my comfort zone but I understood well enough to know what she meant at the age of five.

"Oh, Mia nana isn't coming to take you out today if you behave badly young lady" Mom warns, instantly my body gets up from my bed and runs to my bathroom ready for my bath. Once in the bath nana turns the water on and puts in the bubbles I love so dearly. After washing me up with the yellow cloth I get up and wrap myself in a towel as nana gets me my clothes for today.

Once dress and ready to succeed in life or elementary least we head out with moms blessing and my lunch bag in hand. I went to a private school even though Mom disagreed always saying that public school was more beneficial. Moms family was filled with political members and activist group members most of the activist's members were from uncle Charlie's kids and aunt Teresa's they were the sane ones and at least the rest well they were assholes. Most of them ignored Mom all her life due to her being the youngest and the one who was the reason their mother was left for but to grandma Rosemary defense she wasn't a commoner she was a beautiful socialite who had the potential to not just be a model for Vogue but to take over New York. Sadly her reputation followed her as a homewrecker even though their marriage was broken already for years.

Anyhow, my moms family made sure to send all their kids to public school just so when any kids decided to run for Senate or governor they would have that leverage of saying they were normal everyday citizens. Which worked great for aunt Terry who's a senator and all my uncles I don't bother to remember considering they're annoying.

Anyhow due to this dad was agents the idea of me ever doing politics saying my moms family were kind people but it wasn't worth it if they all easily turned on each other.

Once out Nana Rose is putting my seatbelt on as I begin to wonder why Mom was in her pj and look a tad sick. Deciding it's nothing I look at Nana Rose who is on the other side as Jeff our driver starts the car heading to school.



Opening my heavy eyes I'm met with bluish eyes, my heart rate starts back up confused. Why was he here?

"Mia please relax" looking up at dad I see he's sad and tired but definitely not in the mood to argue.

"Why is he here?" I asked staring at Richard who looked at me with a distaste in his eyes, luckily for him he wasn't facing dad so he couldn't see his disrespectful looks at me.

"He dropped you off along with your boyfriend, seems he came to check up on you after I told him and Molly the news" dad says as he comes over and pulls a stand of hair in my face behind my ear.

"Where Kaden?" I asked looking around the room seeing he wasn't there.

"He's downstairs hun him and Molly and Andrea went to get you flowers as well food considering that boy hasn't eaten since you were admitted into the ER." Dad informed me now sitting at the edge of my bed. Looking at him I start seeing he was getting older and older every boat I saw him, and not in a your old man but in a I'll lose you at one point too.

"Dad can I have a hug?" I asked in a soft voice trying to contain myself from my voice cracking. Dads eyes soften at my request no doubt happy I wanted something from him after years of rejecting him and him rejecting me. "Oh course Mia" he says pulling me in patting my head like he did when I was a child.

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