"This place will do just fine."

But the washer wasn't quite done so it was still loud when you entered the room, loud enough to muffle the sounds of struggle as two people fought for dominance but one of them gave up as the cloth on their mouth dipped in chloroform forcibly conformed them into submission.

The sound of a body being dragged gave way to the washer beeping off and shutting down as the load finished. The last thing left was the discarded set of Bluetooth headphones laying haphazardly on the ground, the sound of your favorite band blasting out of its small speakers and into the starkly quiet room unbeknownst to the rest of the world outside the fourth-floor apartment 880b.


Spencer kept checking his phone, his face pinching each time he didn't see a text or a message or anything sent from you. Morgan tapped the end of a pencil on the top of Spencer's head, making the young doctor look up.

"You doing alright there Screwy Face? You've checked your phone like a million times. Have a hot date tonight?"

Spencer shook his head slightly. "Forty-eight times actually. And no, not a hot date. (Y/n) wanted me to help her with some history homework and offered to cook dinner as payment. I asked her when she wanted me to come over and she hasn't replied. Usually, she is quite attentive when it comes to planning."

Morgan smirked, lifting a shoulder. "Maybe she got sidetracked. Women tend to do that."

Penelope walked in right when he said that, earning him a nice swat on the back of the head. "That's because we have something in our brains other than sports and rep counts."

Spencer didn't find their banter funny as he scratched his face. "She does tend to get carried away with some projects but not like this."

Penelope heard the worry in his voice. "Not like what?"

Spencer held up his phone for them to see. "I asked her nearly a week ago."

Penelope's face grew white as she stared at the screen. "Are you sure?" Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Morgan took a step forward. "What is it PG?"

Penelope shook her head, swallowing hard. "I just spoke to her. Or at least received a text from her. It didn't sound like her but I didn't think anything of it. She doesn't have family in Texas does she?"

Spencer stood, shaking his head. "No. She doesn't have much family at all. An older half-brother and a few distant cousins. Both parents were only children. What did she say?"

Before Penelope could reply, Hotch, Rossi, and Emily entered, JJ was home with the flu. Hotch looked at everyone, his stern face not missing a thing. "Does this correspond with the case we were just assigned?"

Penelope walked to the front TV, turning it on as she nodded to their files. "You tell me."

Rossi picked up his file and sat down, stroking his beard as he read the abridged case. "'Four women from four different cities between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-three have been found in abandoned apartments with cuts and burns all over their bodies. Three possible unsubs. The women go missing right before their bodies are found. No indication if the unsub is male or female.'" Rossi let out a breath. "And am I correct to assume you think Miss (L/n) is now going to be our fifth victim?"

Penelope looked distraught, her eyes flickering to Morgan and Reid. But again, before she could say anything someone else spoke. Emily picked up where Rossi left off.

"'Reports from close friends and relatives say the victims would go day's without contact only to suddenly contact someone with an odd message that was later used to find the body of the victim.'" Emily looked up. "Penelope pull up those messages."

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