Hold On

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NanaSuchimura-You gave me quite the list of ideas and I just couldn't get over this one and have finally found time to write it! Thank you for your help! Enjoy!

You hummed as you washed the dishes in your apartment, your body swaying to the music playing in your ears, the outside world completely nonexistent. After finishing your last pot, you turned off the water and spun in a circle, closing your eyes as you strummed your air guitar, your head bobbing with the drums. Your socks slid on your laminate floors as you moved about your apartment without a care in the world.

But you were too busy enjoying your music to hear the click of your front door lock sliding out of its bolt hold. Or hear the creek of the door opening slowly, the shadow of your intruder blanketing your front hallway. You missed the sound of their feet squeaking on your clean floors or the sound of heavy breathing. Your back was to them as your arms chugged backward like a train while you attempted to do the moonwalk.

It wasn't until you backed into them and their hands grasped around your upper arms did you scream and turn around, yanking the earbuds out of your ears, your eyes wide with fear while your heart hammered wildly, your ears thundering with the sudden rush of blood almost as loud as your music. Fear nearly bubbled out in tears until you looked into their face.

"Jackson I swear to GOD you are the WORST brother EVER!" You hit his hard chest with every shouted word, your anger having a hard time staying plastered on your face as a smile tugged at your lips.

Your older brother, Jackson (L/n), lifted his hands in surrender as he chuckled. "Hey now, no need to assault the victim. If anything you should be apologizing to me. You not only forgot I was coming to visit today but I had to come home to you singing. I think it's time again I show you that video from tenth grade. Maybe that will refresh your memory to not sing, ever again."

You rolled your eyes and turned away from him, sticking one earbud back into your ear and turned down the volume a bit. "That threat doesn't work anymore. I, for one, am slightly worried you still have that ancient video."

Jackson shrugged a shoulder as he followed you into your office room, picking up random knick-knacks and placing them back in the wrong spot. "I figured they would be useful especially when your precious boyfriend thinks you are perfect. Five minutes with me and Ms. Soggy Pants will make a comeback. You are still dating that CIA, paper pusher, guy right?"

You placed some books back on a shelf, not even looking at him as you corrected him. "FBI, BAU Agent. And no, he's not my boyfriend." not yet anyway.

"FBI, CIA, BAU, LMNOP, same difference."

You turned to him and narrowed your eyes. "Why are you visiting anyways? Mom and dad's anniversary isn't until next month. Did you finally get that job you have been applying for?"

Jackson flickered his gaze to you as he folded his arms across his chest, leaning against the wall so he could look out the window, slightly moving your purple drapes with dirty fingers. "Actually I already have a job. Just got it two weeks ago. They needed me to scope out an area for the next gig, perfect weather, right vantage points, convenient resources, the works."

Your eyes widened as a smile grew on your lips. "Oh, so you got that show managing job!"

"I suppose."

You bounded forward and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his familiar chest. "I am so proud of you!" Your voice mumbled into his shirt. "I told you persistence was key! You leaned back and patted his arm. "Mom and dad would be so proud."

"Thanks. I think this place will be just fine." Jackson smiled.

You smiled in return, your nose crinkling as you stuck your tongue out at him. You turned to leave the office, turning the lights off on your brother as you headed to the laundry room to switch the loads. You focused on the music in your ear, missing the mumble under your brother's breath.

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