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You were cutting up some bell peppers for dinner when you heard the front door to the house open. You smiled to yourself as you finished up the cutting and raked the little red and orange chunks into a bowl for later then washed your hands.

"How's my husband after a boring day at work?" You called out, smirking as you rubbed your hands dry on your large belly covered by an apron.

You heard the door close, the clank of keys hitting a ceramic jar, and the sound of his book bag hitting the ground all with no reply from your husband. You quickly leave the kitchen and look for him, worry filled your chest making your hands shake a bit.


Your husband just stood there, his back to the door and his face devoid of all emotion as he stared at nothing in particular. You slowly walked up to him, reaching up to cup his cheek.

"Spencer, honey, are you alright?"

At your touch, he blinked and he focused his eye on yours. Your heart ached when you saw pain in his eyes. You frowned, cocking your head to the side slightly, stroking his cheek lightly with your thumb. Spencer blinked again, his shoulders sagging.

"(Y/n), I-I don't...I have...I-"

You stepped closer to him, reaching up with your other hand to stroke back some of his hair from his forehead. "Shhh, Spence, it's ok." You gave him a sad smile, stroking his temple. "It's your headaches again isn't it?"

All he did was nod his head, his eyes down cast and his face sullen. His headaches used to not bother him so much. But since the announcement of your pregnancy, you could tell he had been taxing himself to the point of undeniable exhaustion; perfect conditions for his headaches to start up again. You would have wept over his look if you hadn't already over your spent all your tears on a commercial about baby einstein toys. So instead, you helped him shrug off his coat and kick off his shoes.

"Come on, let's get you all comfortable." You walked him to your shared bedroom, your hand in his and an arm around his back. "You go ahead and shower and I'll go and finish making you dinner." You walk him into the bathroom and reach up, pulling him down gently by his shoulders to place a kiss on his forehead then a peck on his lips. "No need to rush."

Spencer just nodded, weakly kissing your cheek in return, his hand on your belly. You gave him a small smile then left, waddling away to go finish up dinner. Just as you were ladling soup into a bowl and placing it on a tray filled with other foods you heard the shower switch off. You hurried as best you could into the room to drop off the food on the bedside table, then hurried out, shutting the door behind you.

You busied yourself with cleaning up the kitchen and other little messes around the house while you waited for Spencer to get dressed and at least start eating. You were in the kitchen and had had just closed the dishwasher with dirty dishes to be cleaned when you felt arms wrap around your middle, enveloping you in the smell of your clean husband.

Spencer rested his chin on your shoulder, kissing your cheek as his hands lovingly rubbed your swollen belly. "How is she?"

You smiled, reaching up to stroke his cheek. "She's been sleepy lately."

"Hopefully getting ready to come out."

You laughed, slowly turning in his arms. "How are you feeling?"

Spencer leaned down and kissed your nose, rubbing your lower back absentmindedly. "Better. Dinner was fantastic."

You smiled wide. "Oh good. Do you need anything else?"

He shook his head as he leaned forward to rest his forehead against yours. "Not really. Though I wouldn't mind cuddling with my wife and child. You but be exhausted being on your feet all day."

You smiled, closing your eyes as you reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. "I'm fine. Sleeping all day yesterday made me itch to get a lot done today." You peeked your eyes open to peck his lips lightly. "Though you are sweet to worry."

Spener's shoulders tensed slightly, but just enough you could tell. "I always worry," he whispered.

You pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. "I know," you whispered back, "Come on, let's go to bed." You reached up on your tip toes and kissed his nose, dropping your hands to take his.

Spencer cracked a small smile as he followed you into the room. Dishes aside and wet towels picked up, you rolled into bed. Literally. That made Spencer laugh a little bit. You laughed too, getting yourself comfortable then reaching out, opening and closing your hands to have Spencer come join you.

"You get to move because I'm stuck here for the rest of the night."

Spencer smiled again, crawling over the bed and coming to rest his head on your chest, one hand on your tummy and the other snaked under your back. You both found this position to be the most comfortable especially with how far along you were.

You reached up and started to rake your fingers through his hair. You smiled wide once you felt your husband just melt under your fingertips. He sighed as you just messed around with his hair, gently combing your fingers through, twirling, scratching lightly, rubbing in circles, and creatively styling.

"You will need a trip soon."

"Hmmm," was all he replied as you felt his breathing become deeper.

You leaned your head back on your pillow, your hand still in his hair, and closed your eyes. Suddenly your baby kicked. Spencer made a small chuckling sound as he laid there half asleep. You smiled.

Spencer then moved, making you open your eyes to see him hovering over you slightly, a small smile on his lips. Pain evicted from his eyes and was instead replaced with admoration. YOu smiled, moving your hand down to his shoulder, your thumb stroking his skin there.

Then it was your turn to melt like butter. Spencer reached up and put his hand behind your neck, cradling your head as he leaned down, kissing you thoroughly. All too soon he pulled away, placing small kisses around your face and down your neck only to stop on your baby belly. With one last kiss on your forehead, he gave you a sweet smile, stroking your hair back.

"Thank you, (Y/n), you are so gentle with me. I love you."

You smiled wide, your heart warming and fluttering about like when you both were first in love and dating. "I love you too Spencer."

Softly, Spencer placed his head back on your chest, affectionately rubbing your large tummy. "And I love you, child we have yet to name."

You laughed. "I was thinking Aria."

Spencer was silent for a bit but you could feel him smiling. When he did speak he almost sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "Aria. Aria means 'gentle music". Aria Reid."

You smirked to yourself feigning surprise at that bit of information. "How ironic."

The both of you fell silent but before either of you fell asleep Aria kicked two or three times. You slowly ran your fingers through Spener's hair as you started to drift off.

"Honey, please tell me when you have your headaches again. I hate seeing you in pain."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight (Y/n)." Spencer then kissed your belly again. "Goodnight, Aria," his voice overflowing with tender love.

The both three of you sleep soundly throughout the night, Spencer's headaches gone as he dreamed of a little girl with your eyes and his hair, your smile and his nose as he chased her around the yard, her laughter making it hard to think anything terrible ever existed.

Oh man, guys, so sorry for having this up late. Packing up for this move is kicking my butt. Therefore I just wanted to give you a heads up that next week will be later too (perhaps) BUUUUUUT I need y'alls help! I need some new ideas for this guy! As much as I love writing fluff and all that stuff, I'm itching to do something a wee bit more exciting (not smut mind you haha)! If you would like, throw some ideas down in the comments and see what we come up with! Love you all! Kisses!

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