Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


A mass of wolves faced me with their teeth bared. I stared back at them dumb founded. Had none of them heard Wyatt’s confession? Was I the only one who cared?

He betrayed us. He was working with the underground pack the entire time and pretended to be one of us. He was a traitor.

Wyatt didn’t waste a second shifting into his wolf or jumping out of the way when I lunged. I wanted him. I wanted to sink my teeth into his flesh and show just how much I respected traitors.

Kieran, wait! Leland said into my mind. It’s not what it seems. You need to hear him out.

I drug my attention away from Wyatt to briefly glance at Leland. So I take it you knew then? I looked around the room at each of them. They were all protecting him. Wyatt. All of you know, don’t you?

I was only greeted with silence as a reply. No one dared to move or speak.

Well…tell me! There’s no need to hide it now.

I didn’t betray you, Wyatt said once he found his voice. When I agreed to stand with the underground pack, you weren’t exactly available to consult. You were a shell of a wolf of left the pack up to me.

And now I see my mistake. My voice came out low and threatening, just as I had intended it to.

You don’t get it. I didn’t do it to hurt you or the pack. I did it to protect us. It’s no secret that Axel is planning something big. It’s better to be on the inside and look like a traitor then to be on the outside and allow our world to be taken down around us.

I looked around the room at all the wolves standing by his side. None of them moved an inch. It was obvious who side they were on.

I don’t believe you.

He seemed to understand that because he said, I know and I’m not asking you to. All I’m asking is for you to trust me. You did once, and I know that deep down you feel like you can again. Am I wrong?

I couldn’t allow myself to go there right now. I had much bigger question that needed to be answered first.

Say I did trust you and let you go after her. What makes you think they’ll let you just waltz out of there with her? Axel is anything but stupid. He won’t be fooled by you false loyalty. He didn’t get to be in his position by getting played. So tell me, how will you outplay him?

Because I’ve been on the inside and I know the ins and outs of that place. And when I show up with Tobias at my side, that will seal the circle of trust and he’ll have no choice except to trust me. He’ll hold up his end of the bargain and we’ll all be safe.

There only seemed to be a few problems with his plan. It wasn’t well thought out.

And when you do get her out and you run, what’s to stop him from coming after you and leaving both of you for dead? He won’t take your betrayal lightly.

He nodded. I know. That’s where the pack comes in. We lead him into the woods and ambush him. Once underground’s leader is dead, they’ll be weak and vulnerable they won’t know where to go or what to do next. It’s the ideal opportunity.

I carefully considered his words, debating with my wolf whether we trusted him enough to carry out such an insane plan. He could turn on us the second he’s in there and I’ll have lost everything; Claire and my chance to make him pay. 

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