Pizza and fosball

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Christen walked into the bar still in her work clothes. Most of the people had already ordered their food, and when she spotted her best friend she noticed the open seat and food already waiting for her.

She rushed over and sat down, still not fully processing what had just happened. "Kelly," She said in a monotoned voice.

"Chris!" The brunette cheered when she turned to see her friend. She threw her arms around the brunette's neck and pulled her into a hug.

"Kelly," Christen said again more seriously before resting her forehead in her hands.

"What happened?" The woman was quick to pick up on her lack of excitement and rested a hand on her back.

"I'm gonna get fired!" Christen said with wide eyes. Her blood was rushing with a new kind of feeling now- adrenalin.

"Oh, no! What happened? Did you finally go off on Pike? Give that asshole a piece of your mind?" Kelly asked with a worried smile, though she could see the excitement in her eyes.

"No! I was so good! I was doing so good!" Christen whined.

"Then what happened?"

"I don't know! I just, I finished the second stack of papers the asshole gave me and went into the elevator and there was this woman there. She didn't really say anything to me when I just started to rant! I just needed to get it off my chest!" Christen explained. It was clear she was still stressed and confused.

"Okay?" Kelly said slowly. "And you're scared she'll tell... or?"

"No! She doesn't need to tell anyone! She was just smirking at me with this look but she didn't say anything and when we got off Crystal at the front desk said 'Have a great night Ms. Heath."

"No!" Kelly exclaimed in shock, grabbing Christen's arm.

"Yes!" Christen nearly screamed back.

"What were you saying?" Kelly asked with wide eyes.

"I was ranting about, no offence, how you got such a great job with a nice boss and I got stuck with the asshole who starved me and threw away my lunch!" She huffed.

"Oh Christen," Kelly sighed, "What did you say after you found out?"

"Nothing! I was in complete shock. I was all like 'You're...' like the dumbass I am and she goes 'Tobin Heath, nice to meet you' !" Christen recapped for her. Her voice was somewhat loud but her heart was racing again seeing her friends reaction. "I didn't even know what to say! She was standing right there in front of me and I just ran off! I didn't even say anything! I just went to my car and left!"

Christen was frantic at this point and Kelly tipped her head back and laughed. "Oh, Christen I'm sure it'll be fine! Did she seem pissed?"


"Then you're probably in the clear," Kelly said, reassuringly patting her back.

"I hope so," Christen sighed.

A quietness filled the air between them before Kelly asked in a low voice, "Well, was she hot?"

Christen hadn't noticed on the elevator, but when Tobin was standing right in front of her she sure had. Lower ranked people rarely saw the mysterious woman. That was usually only for the managers and directors. She was known to keep to herself most of the time.

"Extremely," Christen said quietly. Her eyes were now filled with a sudden excitement as she looked at Kelly. "At first I didn't even notice because I was so caught up with being angry in the elevator and when I took a step out and looked at her she was so fucking attractive," Christen said in a hushed tone.

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