Mimosas and Desertion Ch. 17.2

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"I'm stupid then? Gullible enough to be used by some guy? You get out."

"This isn't about you, Alex, but Rile," Gabe said. "Listen to me. If you had listened to me all along, you wouldn't be hurt."

"You'd be dead or in a cage in Hermann's lab if I didn't roam the streets," Alex retorted. "You listen to me. Ease. Up. On. Rile. Stop riding him so hard."

Bond with your brother, dammit, not me.

"Are you telling me how to lead my clan?" Gabe demanded.

Cale slid down in his chair, but Rile perked up.

"Clan? It's just your two brothers," Alex said with true innocence.

Cale winced. Rile covered his smirk as Alex's voice trailed off at Gabe's look.

"Our clan is not dead. One day we will restore it," Gabe said with icy confidence. "We won't be trapped here forever."

"Trapped?" Alex's eyes filled with anger, her mouth tightened into a hard line, and her hands sparked white welder fire. "What's this 'trapped' business?"

"Trapped here on Earth stopping petty muggings and the like," Gabe snapped.

"So my life and what I do is petty?" Alex snapped back and her hands flared briefly. "We all can't be high and mighty Guardians saving the universe, can we? Please leave. Don't you have a universe to save?"

I'm the lowlife and you're the high life, so go go go and save yourselves.

"You want us out? Fine. Cale, Rile, go to our apartment and pack. We're leaving. We need open space and fresh air," Gabe ordered. "Alex, stay in your apartment and recuperate. Don't leave it until we return. I'll tell Dr. Dewey to bring you food."

Cale looked rebellious, surprising Rile out of his intended sulk. He followed Cale to their apartment, interested to see what he would do. He was disappointed, for all Cale did was pack, although he did throw things with satisfactory force. Rile crept back up the stairs for his favorite hobby: eavesdropping. He crouched on the landing, tympanum pressed to the door.

Gabe said, "Alex, I care for you but you are highly erratic. You needlessly endangered yourself and were gravely wounded after a mere mention of Morgan. Now that you're recovering, you can stay inside and I can take my brothers away for a much needed respite."

"Agreed," Alex said. "Y'all definitely need time away from me. In fact, I'll find another place to live. I've been here too long."

I'll finally do the right thing and stop endangering the brothers, poisoning them.

Gabe frowned down at her. "You cannot move while we're gone: you're far too ill. Why must you take everything to extremes?"

"Because I'm highly erratic, that's why. Please, take your brothers on your camping vacation and enjoy. If I could get away from me, I would."

With a sigh, Gabe said, "We regularly camp outside the city, Alex. Not everything is about you."

Outside, Rile winced.

Alex turned away from Gabe and settled with care onto the couch."Ouch, point taken. A bit merciless in its aim, but I can relate." She picked up her tablet and started scrolling it. She looked up and her expression softened for a moment. "I am sorry I'm self-absorbed. I've been alone as long as I can remember, with only Morgan knowing me, and only interacting with criminals."

Gabe extended his hands, palm up. "I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean that like it sounded."

"You're fine." Alex's expression changed back to her stone face and she scrolled further down her tablet. "Please leave. Don't you have a universe to save?"

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