Compartments and Discussions

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 Silence filled the compartment where James and Lily sat. "They did this on purpose didn't they, Potter?" Lily questions.

"I think so Evans." James responds, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Well that would explain their random staring at us from across the train." Lily says.

"Is it bad I hadn't even noticed that?" James asks.'

"A little bit, you know since you're in on this whole plan." Lily responds as James's eyes grow wide with embarrassment "It's okay we needed to talk, I've just been avoiding this and you." Lily admits to James.

"So, what were you going to tell me the other day?" James asks.

"Yeah no, I'm not admitting it to you with the crowd of people across the hall and Peter pretending to read a book." Lily says.

"Hey, I really am reading!" Peter argues

"It's upside down." Lily rebuttals back as Peter's face grows a deep red and James begins to cackle out loud.

"I knew that, that is the proper way to read spells, Lily." Peter says as he gets up, "I think I'll take my reading elsewhere."

"Later Wormy." James says. "That's one down."

"Well, we still have the audience" Lily waves her hand over to the opposite compartment to show Remus, Sirius, Alice, and Marlene watching them intently.

"Here." James says as he gets up to lower the blinds, covering the view of his friends. "No more excuses now Lils."

"Smooth." Lily says as James sits back down across from her.

"Where were we from yesterday." James asks as he scooches further off his seat.

"But" Lily responds softly.

"But." James copies as he springs forwards and crashes his lips on Lily's. This time faster and much more confident than before. Lily grasps her hands in James's hair and he pulls her closer until Lily is on his lap.


"Why do you think they closed the blinds?" Alice asks

"Probably to snog." Sirius says with a laugh.

"I doubt that's why, Lily wouldn't just do that." Alice says

"Ehhh, clearly you weren't with us over the holiday." Sirius responds.

"What are you talking Padfoot, they didn't even snog once over the holidays?" Remus questions.

"I doubt that." Sirius replies, "Besides they were alone several times and you know they at least must had kissed."

"I agree with Black." Marlene says, "I don't know what it is, but James makes Lily weak in the knees and not think straight."

"Exactly." Sirius agrees.

"He makes her weak in the knees because she's in love with him you hormonal dimwits." Remus argues as each person in the compartment whips their head toward Remus.

"Love? I thought it was just a really strong crush or attraction." Marlene says.

"I knew, I called it! I told you!" Alice squeals as she turns to Marlene.

"Holy shit, Prongs is gonna get the girl for the long haul." Sirius says, "We succeeded!"

"Maybe, depending on whether they're snogging or talking." Remus says.

"Honestly, it's probably a mix of both." Alice changes her mind, "Think about it, if you were in love with someone you wouldn't be able to even help yourself."

"Let's hope James grows a brain and makes them talk." Marlene says as Sirius burts out in a laugh.

"You really think that James Potter, the boy who has been after Lily for years is going to stop a snog session from her?" Sirius rhetorically asks.


Lily moves her arms from James's hair to around his neck as James moves his hands around Lily's hips holding her still on his lap. Lily swings her leg over him so that she is now straddling his lap. James hungrily moves his lips to her neck making a path to her collarbone and backup. Lily places her hands on James's face and pulls away.

"Okay, that didn't go the way I was expecting." Lily huffs out with an unsteady breath.

"It's what I was hoping for." James says as he lightly kisses her cheek.

"We still really do have to talk." Lily says as she lets out a slight moan when James moves back to kissing her neck.

"Can it wait?" James asks, hoping for a yes.

"No, no it really can't" Lily breathes out.

"Okay, Evans, shoot." James replies, now looking Lily directly in her eyes.

"Um well, I've been thinking about our conversation over the holiday and-,' Lily tries to explain before James interrupts.

"It's okay I get it." James says, "Friends and this isn't really what friends do right?"

"No, James that's not it." Lily tries to explain.

"Okay then what?" James questions as he keeps his eyes locked on Lily's.

"I-I uh I" Lily tries again.

"What Lily?" James asks. "It's just me you don't have to be nervous to talk to me."

"That's exactly why I'm nervous to tell you." Lily explains as she breaks the eye contact.

"That makes zero sense Lily. Just tell me, you've kept me holding on for long enough." James raises his voice.

"I-I" Lily stutters as James begins to move Lily off of his lap, "I think I'm in love with you, you blundering idiot!" 

I know I've been publishing a lot of parts today, but I just started writing again and I couldn't stop. I hope you're all enjoying the story and please feel free to comment and vote! Thank you guys for all of your support!

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