A lifechanging moment

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I was running, running as fast as I can, but the pain wouldn't stop. The pain of what she did was like a dagger. A dagger in my back.
I was running so fast I didn't see the root of the tree until it was too late. I tripped and fell, but didn't bother to get up. What did it matter? Everything was wrong. His girlfriend betrayed him, his mom was busy with the baby and her novel, and Nico was currently away , taking a vacation in Venice with his boyfriend, Will Solace.
I just layed there, hoping  something would find me. But nothing did. Or so I thought.
I was laying there and suddenly I heard a rustle. I looked up and saw nothing. But there it was again. That same rustle. I stood up and inspected this time, but still there was nothing.
Suddenly a bright light appeared, and in front of me, stood Artemis, goddess of the moon and the hunt. She looked anxious and shouted to me:" Run Percy, run!"
Then I heard howls, and the thundering of paws on the forest floor.
I didn't wait any longer. I took off into the opposite direction, because any beast that scared the goddess of the hunt, was no beast that I wanted to fight.
I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. I heard the paws behind me, more than four. This meant that there was a whole group of these things.
I could hear their ragged breaths behind me,  hasing to catch their prey.
Suddenly they were next to me, two of them. Wolves. Large, horrifying wolves.
I swept a glance to either side, but they didn't attack. So I kept running. But I knew I couldn't keep this up much longer.
Then suddenly there was another one, jumping over my head. Hr landed in front of me and whirled around, automatically making me stop.
I turned on my heel, but there was already a wolf there. I realized there wasn't another choice. I would have to fight.
I drew Riptide and faced my enemies. Four wolves. Four, terrifying wolves the size of trucks. But they didn't attack. They just stood there, as if they were waiting for someone. Or something.
Then I heard it. A howl of a wolf. But this howl struck fear into my heart, and the wolves knew it. They returned the call with howls of their own.
In no less than a few seconds it was here. A wolf double yhe size of the others. A wolf who looked at them, and they looked away in fear. Then the wolf faced me, and wirds spilled from his mouth.
"Yes, he will make a fine candidate. I will turn him, when the moon is new, and at it's highest. Bring him."
But as they turned, a bright light filled the clearing and I dissapeared. I could hear the howls of wolves who had just lost their meal. And I was left to wonder. Where was I going? And who took me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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