It somehow felt different from all the other times he was this close to me. I knew he was there, right behind me. But I didn’t feel his breath against my ear when he spoke nor his heartbeat against my back.

 I turned around to face him. And indeed, he was standing there, smiling at me. I smiled back at him, and cupped his face with both my hands. He felt so cold, that I had to take back my hands. His expression saddened for a moment, but then, he quickly replaced it by the same smile, only this time it didn’t reach his eyes.

 “What’s going on, Matt. Why are we here?” I asked, worriedly.

 “Don’t worry angel, everything is going to be just fine.” He reassured me with the same smile.

 “Don’t say that! Why are you sad and so cold?”

 “I am not sad, you can still make it. I am happy about that.” He smiled again.

“What are you talking about? Why do you make it sound like we can’t make it together? Why are you so different? The Matt, I know, never leaves a possible chance to say some perverted comment just pass by. Why didn’t you say something about the ‘why are you so cold’ bit-“.

 He cut my rumbling, by placing a cold finger on my lips. And this time it was accompanied with a genuine smile.

 “Just know that I will always love you and be there with you.” He said. Then, with no other word, or chance to say goodbye, he just vanished.

I looked around for him, but found nothing. Tears started blurring my vision, as fear slowly took over my heart. Then, the beeping, loud crying, screaming and all the noises came back. I shut my eyes tight, as I was feeling dizzy from the unbearable headache that made its way back to me.

 “What’s happening? What’s wrong with her? Someone, please help her.” The same woman from earlier or yesterday or whenever that was cried. Why did her voice sound so familiar? And who is she crying for?

 All the noises were gone, and I couldn’t feel any pain anymore. What’s happening to me? Why can’t I wake up? And where am I now? It’s like a nightmare. How I wish it was just a nightmare!

 “She woke up. Look! She’s opening her eyes.” Someone cried.

 I looked around but couldn’t see anybody’s face. Everything was so dark. I could make out the shades of three persons standing around my bed, but didn’t know who they were. Slowly, the darkness started to fade, and their faces were clearer by the second.

 My mom had tears down her cheeks, and a smile plastered on her lips. While my dad had his arms around her with tear stained cheeks but dry eyes and the same smile on his lips. On my left, was stood my brother, Chris, with a wide grin on his face. They were all staring at me, with relief in their eyes.

 In one eye blink, I found mom on her knees by my side, holding my hand and dad on the other side of me holding my other hand. I didn’t know I was so cold, until my skin made contact with theirs.  

 “Oh my god, honey we were so worried about you.” Mom exclaimed.

 “Don’t you ever scare us like that, ever again!” Said Chris.

 “What happened?” I asked, looking at their worried faces. It was when I first talked, that I felt how dry my throat was, and how hoarse my voice sounded.

 They all exchanged the same look, and before they could answer my question a doctor came in the room. He looked around, and when his eyes laid on my brother, a stern look was on his face.

 “I thought I warned you that only two visitors at a time can come in the room.” He said giving Chris a disapproving look.

 “Fine, I’ll just wait outside.” He said grumpily, while walking towards the door.

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