S.T.R.B. Chapter 5

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      Hey There Loyal Readers,

      Here it is chapter 5 of 'Surviving the Raiford Boys'!!!!!

       I am sorry its been a while since I last updated it just between my finals and baby sitting all week I just didn't have time to upadate and I am sorry about that!!!

       Anyways this chapter shows you Maggies character and you may not like it but it has to be this way trust me!!!!

       Okay so now I want FIVE or MORE VOTES for the next chapter and maybe a few comments just to let me know what you think about this chapter??


       P.S. If you readers see any spelling mistakes please let me know through commenting or sending me a private message and I will do my best to take care of it as soon as I can!!! Oh and the song on the side has nothing to do with the chapter I just enjoy listening to it and I thought you might also like listening to it while you read this chapter!!!




Chapter 5

(Noah's P.O.V.)

I manage to unpack nearly all of the boxes before Graham bursts into my room and makes me jump nearly thirty feet in the air.

“Don't do that Graham you nearly gave me a heart attack,” I say taking deep breaths and placing a hand over my racing heart “Besides you should never charge into a girls room what if I was changing or naked.” I scold

Graham looks down at his shoes blushing a very pleasant shade of cherry red and mutters “Sorry,” under his breath before saying “Dinners ready so come on.” he says grabbing my uninjured wrist and yanking me out of my room and into the elevator.

“Geez what is up with you dragging me everywhere?” I complain

“Sorry,”Graham says looking a little sheepish “I noticed you have unpacked nearly all your things in your room though.” Graham says changing the subject

“Yup,” I say shifting nervously...it helped that I am a witch so I used magic to unpack more quickly “So do you go to private school or public?” I question changing the subject

“My brothers and I all go to private school.” Graham says “What about you did you go to a public school or a private school?” Graham questions

“I was home schooled almost all of my life.” I say

Before Graham can say anything else the elevator doors ding open and instead of dragging me out of the elevator Graham ushers me into the dining room.

Dinner is an extremely loud affair with everyone talking over one another in order to be heard by the people they are talking to.

I sit quietly eating my food like my life depended on it... man I have seriously missed eating real food...

“So Noah what grade are you in?” Maggie asks coolly

“I guess I would be a junior.” I say

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