Chapter XIV: The Losts in War

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Gloxinia was staring at Meliodas in utter disgust. The prince was wet, face all red, and there were hickeys all over his chest and neck, his clothers were ever deshielved like he was raped, both his wrists were even red like they were hold far too tightly.

His brothers however were trying not to laugh.

"Just what are you---"

"I swear we didn't do anything!" He could still remember each details, after being thrown into the water by a dark mattered monster,Elizabeth was towered over him, holding both his wrist smirking while kissing him everywhere. He never felt so embarrassed...

"We had fun didn't we~?"

"It was only you who did!" Gloxinia and Dolore's jaws fell even more.

"N-no! You g-got it all wrong!" He was stuttering already. Gloxinia usually doens't doubt Meliodas, he was too kind and too honest for his own good but looking at him now, he couldn't believe him.

"I could understand if you want to make the moment count." Meliodas could not believe his ears for hearing that from his bestfriend of all people. Elizabeth was now laughing, Estarossa no longer containing it to himself as he had burst into laughter while Gelda was looking at her lover with confusion as he was trembling and trying not to laugh.

"Ugh! I hate you all!" He stump back into their house, trying to figure out how to remove all the kiss marks his lover had left over him.

Elizabeth had laugh at the sight.

"I feel sorry for him." Gelda had uttered, as Elizabeth had smiled at her.

"Well, it's his fault for falling inlove with me and making me fsll for him. So he should deal with it." She said as the vampire had giggled at her statement, her hands over her lips as Elizabeth couldn't help but to notice a ring over her pinky finger. It was merely silver, yet she could see small carvings of it which she assumes to flowers.

"That's a lovely ring." She commented as the vampire glance at it.

"He gave it didn't you?" Elizabeth teases as Gelda merely smiled in response, her cheeks however were starting to turn to pink. Probably remembering when Zekdris gave it to her.

"Yes, it is a rememinder of his promise to me." It makes sence now that it was at her pinky instead of her ring finger.

"Ah love, a feeling that makes you a fool." Elizabeth uttered Gelds nodding in agreement. It really was.

Yet the smile on her face faded as she felt a strong presence although it was miles away.

"Your majesty? What's wrong?" Gelda asks yet the princess didn't even hear her voice, panic already spreading through her nerves.

"Meliodas!" Elizabeth screamed, as it appears like she wasn't the only one that noticed the presence as well.

"I know!" Meliodas yelled, setting aside his feeling of irritation from the rest. "Estarossa remain in the fairy King's with Gloxinia! The demons might come here!"

"Dolore, Zeldris! There are three members of the commandments in the south face them!"

"And Elizabeth---"

"I'm coming with you." She said firmly, as the prince was left with nothing but the choice to agree.

"You're insane! There are like thousands of demons in the  north and there are 4 members of the ten commandments with them! I'm going with you!" Estarossa had protested, hating how his brother quickly decided things.

"No, you stay here! There are weaker demons coming to attack here! The fairies might need a healer and you and Gloxinia needs to protect the forest!"


"That's an order!" Estarossa bit his lower lip before nodding, still angry about how his brother was acting. No matter how powerful, there was only few of them within the forests, they needes to sepparate if they wanted to defeat them.

"Hey." By the time the blonde and the silverette's eyes met, Estarossa started crying. Tears falling down his cheeks, Elizabeth completely understanding what he was feeling. Estarossa was watching as well when Meliodas nearly died in front of him, that memory still haunts him.

"You better come back..." the blonde laughs before hugging the younger.

"And you to!" Zeldris rolled his eyes but he went towards his brothers however, doing their usual routine. God, getting sepparated from them during the war was obviously something that three of them loaths... but it was all for the greater good, they needed to win this war although it was draining them.

Meliodas and Elizabeth flew by the time Estarossa had let go of him, Elizabeth squeezing his hands firmly knowing too well how he was worried of his brothers.


Demons were slain from left to right, blood had once again stained their clothes as it was merely them againts hundreds of demons. Meliodas was panting as his magic got slowly drained from the number of enemies they faced, spell after spell and various incantations escape from his lips as he raised his hands, risking it all.

"Revealations!" He screamed, as hundreds of angels, manifested through light, slowly flew down from above. He kept his hands up, the angels fighting in his stead as the demons were slaughtered into minced meat.

Elizabeth quickly went by his side as all the weaker demons they were againts were all defeated. They later heard a clap beyond the desaster as they turned their head to find the source.

A tall young man, with a messy, shoulder length, midnight blue hair and like any other demons he had pitch black eyes and black feathered wings.

"Zeno..." Elizabeth muttered as Meliodas managed to catch his breath.

"It's been quite a while princess..."  He smirks, as realizatuon hit her. Her lips parted, eyes filled with horror as the demon laughs at her very reaction.

She suddenly remembered her childhood, she grew up with Zeno, they've been so close yet no matter how smart she was...

The demon was always capable of tricking her.

"Ah, it's just like before right Ellie?" He laughs as Elizabeth bit her lower lip, remembering who she was facing... Zeno the strongest Illusionist of the demon realm.

"Meliodas! It's a trap! It's only him who's here!" Yet he wasn't listening, he was clutching unto his chest, tears falling down his cheeks as the female demon looked at him with confusion.

Her heart skipped a beat as a strong presence suddenly faded from her sences.

"No, no, no, no! Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" He was panicking, tears still falling as Elizabeth was staring at him in utter horror, Zeno's laughter continueing to resonate through out the place as it was left ignored with the given situation.

"I was merely keeping the promise you made him, princess." The bluenette uttered, earning a glare from her.

"To let him see everyone die before him."


Since Zeno's appearance wasn't characterized to I made him attractive cuz I like the letter z.

So I'm just gonna leave this here...

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