Chapter IX: A Mere Woman

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"If it isn't Demon Princess Elizabeth! Or should I call you the traitorous Elizabeth now." Reudociel mocks, finding the demon princess getting out of the blonde's room. Elizabeth was just planning of completely ignoring him for the sake of Meliodas, however as she turned her back on the archangel, he had grab her by the arm pulling her back from where she once stood.

Elizabeth merely stared at him, despite of the anger written all over his eyes. She could understand that, she had killed hundreds of this man's comrades before him, she could also tell that this man was desperate of erasing the demon clan from the surface of the earth so she wasn't expecting any hospitality any time soon.

"What kind of foolish spell had you cast unto our princes?" She almost snapped at that, she's pretty suree that is what this goddess is telling his comrades. The princes is under hher spell, the princes are being controled by her and whatever kind of isanity they could think of because of these odd circumstances...

For why, would a demon betray her clan for a goddess? The thought alone was hillarious, it wouldn't seem imposible to Meliodas, his brothers and Elizabeth but those who still hasn't accepted her will forever be blinded with their grudges againts her.

"I did nothing." She responded as the angel's grip was starting to tighten around her arm. It honestly doesn't hurt anymore, she had went through pain far more worse to be bothered by this.

"What would you even gain from betraying your clan? Or did you even betray them in the first place?" She had snapped back then.

"Look Goddess, I never cared and will never care about the demon clan and about the one you call as the demon king or my father. I was but a mere puppet to the demon king to asscend the throne but I have chose not to follow him any longer." She had said, pulling her arm from his grasp, holding herself from glaring at him. She's sure this angel will do just about everything to convince Meliodas about leaving her as well. But she won't leave, and she's sure he'd do the same.

"If you refuse to believe me, I will fight the demon clan if you wish. I am not doing this for your clan, I merely doing this for Meliodas... Don't think that I have forgotten about the crime of your clan to my mother as I do such." She couldn't help herself now, she had glared at him as cold sweat had had started forming on the angel's brows.

"Reudociel, murderer of the Demon Queen." He had taken a step back from her then, probably thinking that she will never recognize him. He was so wrong, she could never forget the face of her mother's killer.

He remembered i

"Why fear?" She smirks crossing her arms. Her tone was starting to grow threatening and Reudociel obviously doesn't want to see the rest. Everyone knows how terrifying she was and the only reason why he is still alive right now is the fact that Elizabeth loves Meliodas.

"Before you is not Elizabeth the demon, before you is not Elizabeth the commander of the ten commandments, before you is not the next ruler of the demon clan as well..." She had uttered far more calmly now, as she later lifted a smile. Yet she didn't sound so humple like what her words should had implied.

"I am, but a mere woman who had fallen in love to your prince and would do anything to remain by his side..." She had turned her back on the archangel, somehow glad that he had not dared to chase to her...

He was far


The silverette sighed, getting lost, finally finding herself out of the castle of the heavenly realm where no one could see her. She was walking towards the south through a seemingly endless lobby of white marble floor and royal blue carpet, white pillars with various paintings between each pillar.

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