26; It's time for your treatment

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Satan. What was he again? Yeah... The God of Gehenna. What did he want again? Yeah... His daily routine visits. Why? Rin didn't know. His motives, his wants, or anything else concerning him sitting on a bed in Gehenna right now. Did he want to know? Or did he not? Satan... His father? His flames... The mark of his father? The man... Who killed Fujimoto Shiro, who was by his side. He killed Shiro. He's dangerous. He's bad news. He's cruel. But did that matter? Rin's hatred from before ceased to exist, being replaced by pure fear.

The man stepped in, his footsteps enchoing through the hallway. It sounded like a warning. A warning that told Rin that, he was here. That man was here. Satan was here. Rin gripped his blankets tightly, dreading the man's appearance. His presence was true dread. That man... Was truly terrifying.

"My son... Don't you think, this is utter disrespect towards your father?... It is basic rule to bow, wasn't it? "

Rin knew that was bad news. Rin was wrong. He had to... Bow... Yet, not an inch of his body agreed to move. Satan, obviously pissed off at this disrespect, reached his right hand out and pulled, miraculously dragging a shivering Rin over to him in mid-air.

"You look like a poor, lost kitten. That's not how my son is supposed to look like. "


"Ah, yes... These weeks have been life-changing, hadn't they? It's just simply the start of your prosperous life, my son... "

Nothing. Not a sound made. Not a single agreement initiated. Not a movement. Growing more and more pissed by each second, Satan forced Rin's slumping head to meet him. Blue irises both connected to each other, until Rin cowered in utter fear and shifted his gaze.

"This is not acceptable, my son. " keeping that strained taunting voice despite the anger built up inside him, he muttered softly into Rin's ears.

"It must be a cue... For your treatment to start. " treatment? What treatment? It definitely didn't sound that appealing to Rin. Instead, he was overcome with the feeling of dread, dreading the events that awaited him.

"I'm sure you'll like it, son... "

That wasn't true. That wasn't true at all. Who would like being strapped tightly to a chair, not knowing what in the world was going to happen to him?

Rin's eyes darted left and right searching for a clue as to what was going to happen. What is this treatment? Yet, all Rin could see was a pitch black darkness. It wasn't only the fear of the future, the fact that he couldn't see anything was worsening it.

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