21; Patch him up

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Rin stared at his new surroundings. Crisp white sheets covering his body, white walls...

Rin moved his hands, which were wrapped in thick bandages, one in a cast, trying to sit up, forgetting the fact that they were broken and twisted. He groaned when a sharp pain shot up his left shoulder.

"Yer shouldn't move too much. " the door creaked open to reveal Shura standing by it.


"Shh. Don't speak. Yer tongue is burned, right? "

"Were yer asking about why yer here? "

Rin nodded lightly.

"Yukio and I went to clean up yer mess, duh. Stop flaring up without thinking! "

Rin stared at Shura gratefully and mustered a smile.

"Tch. "

"Rin! "

"Yo, Okumura. "

"Long time no see, Okumura-kun. "

The five Esquires walked into the room nonchalantly.

"Yo. " Rin mirrored their greetings.

Some of them looked down with guilt, for not helping out much.

"Rin.. How are you feeling? "

"Stop pressing him, he can't speak much. " Shura spoke up for the first time since their arrival.

"A-ah! Sorry, Rin! "

"We just came to see how you're doing. Since you look fine and all to me, I'll be leaving. " Kamiki spoke up in her usual tsun voice.

"Kamiki-chan, that's mean... " Shima commenting, scratching his head, while Kamiki walked out of the door, making her way back.

"That tsundere bitch. " Bon screeched.

"I heard that. "

"When are yer gonna heal, the hospital fees ain't cheap, yer know! "

"T-two wee-eks. She said so."

Out of the corner of his eye, Rin noticed Yukio standing by the door, smiling with relief, at Rin.

"Who's the she? "

"Kirina Kayato. Apparently, she gave nii-san some kind of pill that suppressed his powers for 2 weeks, along with his healing abilities... Which were against the rules, resulting in her dismissal. "

"Oh, Yukio, yer came here with them, eh..."

"I came here to check on nii-san and his injuries. " Yukio stepped away from his relaxing position.

"Excuse me, nii-san. "

Rin smiled. He was happy, to be back.

Yukio gently moved the blanket covering Rin away, revealing his injuries.

Shiemi blushed and covered her eyes. Rin was shirtless, with his left hand in a cast around his neck, thick bandages wrapping around his left shoulder, stomach and right hand. Bruises were all over Rin's body and the left side of his face was covered in a long bandage due to deep scratches. On Rin's forehead was another bandage.

The Kyoto trio gasped.

Down at Rin's feet were another pair of bandages wrapping itself all the way to his ankle.

"Those... I have a very strong urge to mess up the Vatican. How can they do this! How can the Grigori even agree on this?! " Fumes were literally pumping out of Yukio's ears.

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