"Jasper," she started. "I'm so sorry for neglecting you recently. You know how much I care about you." He looked to the floor without reply. Charlotte sighed.

"You should've told me what was going on. I could've helped you study or something." Jasper knitted his eyebrows after her statement, removing his hand from her grip and turning to look at her.

"How could I've?" he challenged. "You haven't exactly been available lately. You're always either doing homework, or working, or with Henry." He spoke his name bitterly, then sighed. "And once again, I'm the forgotten one."

"Jasper, you know it's not like that," Charlotte responded, her voice sincere.

"I think it's exactly like that," he muttered, looking down at the floor again. Now Charlotte crossed her arms.

"Seriously, Jasper. You? Our friendship? They mean way more to me than all of those things, even combined," she spoke confidently. Jasper raised his gaze to meet her eyes.

"Even more than Henry?"
"Way more than Henry. Come on, Jasp. You're my best friend." Jasper felt his heart rate quicken at her words. He searched her eyes for a sign of something, anything, more.

"Will you forgive me?" she asked with a small smile. The curly-haired blond hesitated, as if pondering for a moment, then sighed. He couldn't find it in his heart to not forgive her.

"Fine," he dragged out, a smile finally working its way onto his face. Charlotte, on the other hand, was grinning from ear to ear, happy to have had a heart-to-heart with her best friend after so long. She leaned forward and swung her arms around his neck in an embrace, almost causing Jasper to lose his balance before he brought his strong arms around her waist and steadied themselves.

"Thank you, Jasp," she whispered. He smiled wholeheartedly, turning his face down towards her neck to hide the blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"I still need your help." She spoke quickly, wincing at her own words knowing the reaction she was going to get. Any other feelings he had the moment before disappeared as Jasper rolled his eyes before detangling himself from his best friend.

"I told you I can't, Charlotte," he responded.

"Please, Jasper, I promise it won't take long. Just give me one day after school." Jasper sighed placing his hands behind his head in a stressful manner.

"I'll explain my idea then and we'll do it right after. All you have to do is show up."

"Do what, exactly?" he inquired. Charlotte brushed his question away with her hand.

"I'll explain before we do it. Just give me one afternoon- tomorrow. And I'll make it up to you."

"Heard that before," he muttered under his breath.

"I promise," she repeated firmly. "I wouldn't be asking you this unless I really needed your help. I need you, Jasp." Her voice was sincere, her eyes wide with plead.

"I don't know," he began. "I really can't be missing robotics."

"Please," she dragged. Charlotte folded her hands above her chin while bouncing on her toes, anticipating an answer of agreement. After a few moments, Jasper sighed.

"I guess I can skip robotics for one day." Charlotte grinned widely at his words.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" she exclaimed quickly, moving to hug him again.

"But you seriously owe me," he said as he wrapped an arm around her. "Fro-yo isn't gonna cut it this time." Charlotte laughed as the tone of the late bell rang through the school.

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