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Okay wow lmao the response time xD

For LocaNyan
To Gary: In which situation did you meet Rick and how did you guys become friends?


"Well, that's actually a funny story," Gary muttered, sitting against the bar. The joint wasn't as crowded, Morty in back with the boss. Gary was somewhat caught off guard but decided he could pass the time until Gene returned from wherever that doof ran off to.

"Y'see, it was here, at this bar. Hasn't changed much," the bouncer ran his index finger thoughtfully over a scratch in the bar top. "I was sittin' here with a couple o' friends, laughing and having fun. It was me, John, and I think Nic was there, too. This was way back when the boss used to mill around and chat up the regulars, when the club was fresh; new. I was never one he conversed with regularly, but we'd had a few quick run-ins here and there." The man paused to check around, still being on duty, before he shrugged and turned back towards the bar.

"Before Morty was here - long before - there used to be more fights. Folks would do something bad on their part and the dancers would be attacked. Patrons vs strippers used to be the term for it. But there was one time when it was full on customer on customer. One man touched a dancer and another - some goody-two-shoes - stood up for the poor soul. One thing led to another, and suddenly I'm in the middle of this with my two buddies, stopping the folks from killing each other. I guess the boss saw because he started having more conversations with me and the guys, I guess gauging us. It got to one point where he mentions he was understaffed because he just started up and it was hard to find 'good help'. Half a year after I just stopped two dudes from ruining the fun, I found myself fully employed. The boss was always talking to me more than John or Nic, and neither of those two seemed to mind. I guess we met the requirements for a couple o' friends. But it's strained now, I suppose, what with the kid and all. But he's an adult, and that's a problem for another time."

Gary smirked down at the bar momentarily, as though recalling something humorous, but shook his head to himself. "We became friends because I was a softie with a good noodle and some brawn, and he needed some help. But we had short conversations after hours, and he complained about having to drive, so I offered. It was awkward at first, but once we started chatting about the little things, I became one of his right hand men, right next to Jeff. Now he's one of my best friends."

"I think I like it that way."

Ask the 'Cast'!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang