Prologue : Betrayed

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Prologue : Betrayed


"But, daddy please. I need to see her. It's an emergency."

"I said no, Camilla."

"Please! Just this one time."

My father turned his attention from his work towards my face. He gave me a stone cold glare, one that can make you feel like peeing your pants. But being daddy's little girl, I'm immune to it because he has been giving me that glare a lot since I was a child because I love to disturb him while he works. In the end, he would always stop working and we would watch a movie together while I tell him how my day went. So, I'm not afraid of him at all.

"Daddy" I tried whining because that would always gives me what I want.

"Camilla, don't test my patience," he warned me in a low voice.

"But, she needs me daddy. She's alone at her house. She needs help to go to the hospital! I'm her best friend. It's my duty to hel-"

"It is not your duty! It's the father's! And I won't allow you to leave this house! Do I make myself clear?!" he shouted angrily. I know I'm supposed to stop now but, I can't. I'm her only hope. No one cares about her anymore but me.

"I'm her best friend. I promised to help her with anything! You can't do this daddy!" Just like my father, I also have a short temper. I hate this trait. I really do so, I triy my best to control it, but this just angers me.

"I can and I will! And that's final!" He stood up from his chair.

"I don't care. I'm going!"

I turned around and started reaching for the door.

"If you set a foot out of this house. I will lock you in here for life. And I will take away your allowance, college funds and I will make sure you can't leave this place!"

I froze at my father's words. No. My dreams. I worked so hard for it.

"I'm sorry Camilla but I forbid you from ever seeing her again. She is not your best friend. Find someone else who won't recklessly get themselves pregnant. She is a bad influence for you. And if you walk out that door, I swear I will make sure you will never see that humiliating girl ever again!"

I fisted my hands to control my anger and closed my eyes to keep the tears from coming out. I took a deep breathe and faced my dad. He looked furious. His eyes were bloodshot. His nostrils flared. His breathing was ragged. This is the first time I see him like this. This is the first time he ever got really angry at me, the first time he shouted at his only daughter.

With my head held high and a tough expression, I glared fiercely at my father.

"Then," I paused. "You are not my father."

I grabbed the door knob and ran down the stairs. I raced to the front door and grabbed my car keys from the key holder then, opened the door to see three guys dressed in black suits standing in front of it.

I tried walking pass them when two of them grabbed my wrists while the other one blocked my way. I struggled in their hold, kicking and screaming. They pulled me back inside the house.

"No! Please! Let me go! It's an emergency!"

They ignored it and held me tighter. A girl's strength is no match to three bulky guys who are trained to be bodyguards.

"Put her in her room and make sure her windows are sealed. Then, lock the door. After that, give the keys to me." I heard my father's voice. He was coming down the stairs in calmness. His previous anger was gone and is replaced by a cold face.

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