90: Tag war #4: the taggage

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I was tagged by GirlGamer152

I was tagged by GirlGamer152

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1. Favorite band:
The Black and Gold Brigade :3
2. Youtuber:
I don't rly watch one specific youtuber but if I was forced to pick I guess Pokeli (has pokemon ost tracks)
3. Do you own any number 2 merch:
Idk what that is.
4. Pepsi or Coke:
They're both nasty. I pick root beer and Dr Pepper.
5. Hair color:
Dirty blond I think it's called. (The bottom of my hair is blond compared to the top)
6. Least favorite person:
I don't necessarily have a least favorite person... I mean there's definitely people I don't like, but... I don't know how to put this into words... I guess it's that I don't hate people enough to say they're my least favorite person.
7. Would you rather give up internet or family:
Obviously give up internet. What heartless fool would pick internet over family?
8. Squids or octopi:
Well I'm not really a seafood person, but we call my brother "squidward" (Don't ask) so I pick squids.
9. Llamas or lions:
Lions. A) they're cats. B) Solgaleo (a pokemon I like) is a lion.
10. You got game on your phone?
Yes. I have dumb ways to die, dots, neko atsume, and wattpad on my phone. But I hardly ever use my phone so... yeah.
11. How do you feel about Ryan Ross:
Idk who that is.
12. Video games:
Hell yeah. I'm a gamer. Mostly Nintendo stuff, trying to expand but I'm super lazy.
13. Favorite princess:
Rapunzel, I've seen Tangled so many times. 2nd favorite is Mulan.

 2nd favorite is Mulan

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1. Middle name:
2. Your age:
One day older than yesterday.
3. What is your birthday:
Today. (January 15)
4. What is your zodiac sign:
Capricorn, baby!
5. What is your favorite color:
Purple (actually it's black but I tell people it's purple so people don't think I'm an emo or something)
6. What's your lucky number:
These aren't lucky but they're just references: 87, 115, 420, 618 (IF YOU GET THE REFERENCE TO THE SECOND ONE YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING!!!)
7. Do you have any pets:
Sadly no.
8. Where are you from:
9. How tall are you:
I'm average, about 5'3" ish.
10. What shoe size are you:
8 ladies I think? I don't really keep up with it.
11. How many pairs of shoes do you have:
Well currently I'm at school so I can't check, but if i had to take a random guess then idk no more than 15-20. Mostly flip flops.
12. What was your last dream about:
Umm I don't really remember my dreams very well or I forget within 10 minutes after waking up.
13. What talents do you have:
Is N/A an option here? :3 I guess video games, art, I'm kinda funny, and math (because my parents are math teachers)
14. Are you psychic in any way:
No but that sounds cool!
15. Favorite song:
If not from a video game, Gravity Falls, or Steven Universe, then I guess Bangarang by Skrillex (is dubstep)

(Here you can listen to it)
16. Favorite movie:
17. Who would be your ideal partner:
Ideal partner for what?
18. Do you want children:
Uhh that's a little too far into the future. I'm not answering.
19. Do you want a church wedding:
Again, uhh that's a little too far in the future. I'm not answering.
20. Are you religious:
21. Have you ever been to a hospital:
Yes but I was just born so I didn't remember what it looked like.
22. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law:
23. Have you ever met any celebrities:
No but I want to meet someone on Gravity Falls. *cough alex hirsch*

 *cough alex hirsch*

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1. Post a picture of yourself:
2. The most recent lie you said:
Yes. (It was no)
3. Name of your crush:
4. Post a picture of your crush:

 Post a picture of your crush:

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5. You want to travel to:
Hawaii, Oregon, or France.
6. The last movie you saw:
That was a long time ago... idk, maybe shrek 3?
7. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life it would be:
Something. (I can't pick one food over every other food.)
8. You can't live without:
Wattpad. Idk how I survived before I got this.
9. Favorite food:
Oh I have too many favorites.
10. The best joke you ever done:
I'm assuming that means prank. The best prank I ever did... hmmm. I don't really prank people much but I remember one time I had a fake paint bottle that looked like it was spilling paint and I set it on my dads clock and according to my sister he started to swear... but that was a long time ago.
11. What color is your house:
Well the exterior is white with some blue accents (I watch a lot of home improvement shows) and the interior colors are olive green, beige, white, light blue, and light pink. Our house is colorful.
12. How does your room look like:
It's blue, I have a big bed taking up most of the space, the end.
13. What you wore today:
My school uniform.
14. Post an old picture of you:
15. Favorite TV show:
This isn't even a question. Obviously it's Gravity Falls.
16. My tumblr crush:
I don't even have a tumblr.
17. Places those have traveled:
I went to DC over the summer.
18. Favorite movie:
Been answered. Check above ⬆️ #16
19. A phrase you will never forget:
"Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold BYE!" -bill cipher, because I can't help but quote Gravity Falls.
20. Your lucky number:
Been answered. Check above ⬆️ #6
21. Name of your ex:
Never been in a relationship. I'd like to keep it that way.
22. Post a picture of your pet.
I don't have a pet 😢
23. Name of the person you hate:
Um... *thinks of a random name* uh Jimmy! No offense to anyone named Jimmy reading this, it's the first name that popped into my head.
And I tag:

Ok that wraps this up.

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