Visions and Marron's Mask

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After that ominous warning from the voice you were not in the brightest of moods and by the way your team is trading glances with each other you think they're starting to notice too.

"Well I hope this match is entertaining" you said with a fake cheer trying to force a smile, but by the way that your team was giving you worry looks it probably didn't fool them.

".....(F/N) is there something you want to tell us" said Marron frowning and your eye twitch for a second. You laugh nervously and you could hear the short snort from the voice.

"What are you talking about Marron?" you said walking a little faster to the arena to make sure they can't ask as many questions.

"After Blake brought you back yesterday you been acting weird" said Rojo with a concern look mirror by Luna.

You stop walking and look at them blankly debating telling them," Oh are you sure? No matter how close you believe you are to them are you willing to gamble with the chance that they will believe you without some disbelief or think that you're crazy or even worse Blake overhearing and telling you're so called parents" your face pale remembering that as you look behind your team to the approaching team RWBY.

"Wait Blake doesn't know about my real father's condition!!" you though panicking and the voice laughs.

"You were too busy throwing a temper tantrum to see that Blake was there when you left your parents. I bet you that your parents told her all about your 'condition'" said the voice nonchalantly

"No they wouldn't do that!!" you thought horrify.

"Oh really? This is from the same parents that lied to you for as long as you knew them you think they wouldn't tell her? After all they think they know what's good for you, but answer me this even though you save her from Adam why is Blake so scare of you?" the voice finally said before going quiet.

"(F/N)!!" Marron said snapping her fingers in your face and you jolt in surprise before smiling mechanically.

"......Nothing is wrong guys you're just imaging it" you said with a smile but what you couldn't tell is that it didn't reach your eyes and that cause your team to know that something is definitely wrong with you.

"......that's true isn't it..... It makes sense that she's scare of me if she knows about my father. When I lost consciousness I probably awaken my cursed bloodline and did something that scared Blake....did I hurt her?" you thought with a blank look

As you continue walking to the Arena with your concern team the voice inside your head smirk at your condition, but you didn't know that.

You arrive in the arena and began to walk the hallways to go to the stand.

"Hey (F/N)!!" a voice said and you look to the side and see Rewrite with his team coming towards you.

"Hey Neo" you said waving at him.

"Are you excited for the match? Considering that Pyrrha used to be a solo fighter It will be interesting to see how well she fights in a team" he said and you thought back to your days in Sanctum and remember the days when you saw Pyrrha practicing by herself and the frown she always were when she thought no one was looking.

"It will be interesting for sure" you said smiling.

"Make sure not to miss this fight my producer will kill me if we miss the fight of Ms. Nikos" said a man walking rapidly to the stage with a camera crew and you look at them before moving on.

The Light In The Dark (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon