I'm Lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Me: *crawls up the wall and stands on the ceiling*

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Me: *crawls up the wall and stands on the ceiling*

LB: Um... Chat?

Me: What?

LB: Why are you...?

Me: I am heels over head to see you, M'lady.

LB: Uh... Don't you mean head over heels?

Me: But my heels are over my head, so...it wouldn't make sense for me to say I'm head over heels.

LB: ................ Omg Chat.

Me: *smirks*

LB: *pulls me off the ceiling*

Me: *falls on my head and gets a concussion* OW!

Truth or Dare With Chat Noir (BOOK TWO)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora