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Third person

Millie sat in her room doing her school work.

She had about a hundred and seventy-five words until she finishes her paper and she's off to work.

With about thirty minutes until she had to be at work, she had to finish her paper later.

Standing up and stretching, she grabs the light jacket out of her closet and puts it over her shoulders.

Millie grabbed her converse and slipped them on over her purple socks and grabbed her purse.

Slinging it across her body she checked the note on the counter.


I had to work late tonight, see if you can get something from the diner.

I'll take you somewhere tomorrow for dinner to make up for it,


She ran a hand through her hair and sighed, a long night it will be.

Millie had to walk to work and she couldn't help but take the long way.

She found all of the trees and flowers beautiful and wouldn't change this for anything.

The brunette planned on coming back later to get such pretty pictures of the land, so she could sketch them, of course.

Her drawings could tell a story and make anyone cry.

Millie put what seemed to be years of thought into it, and it surely paid off.

Stopping outside of the small blue building, she lets out a frustrated breath.

The place she hated so much she loved it.

Her usually smart mindset, felt as if it was getting dumber by the minute when she was in this building.

She decided she wanted to walk around a bit longer, so she looked at her shiny gold iPhone and saw she still had five minutes.

Millie being Millie, however, caused her to slide the door inward and stride to the counter.

If she wasn't ten minutes early, she considered herself late.

Although it was a good thing to live by, when you have to walk through the crowded streets of her hometown, it was no good deed.

"J, I'm here!" she called out as she tied her chin-length brown hair into a short ponytail.

Putting her card into the slot sliding down into the little holder that held other employees cards. She types in her code to clock in and glances behind her. 'He wasn't looking,' was her first thought.

Her second was her better judgment, 'If he sees me it won't be good anyway.' She drops the card into the holder and walks toward the back of the small diner, "Jacob I'm here!" she said again just to make sure he heard her.

"Mhm," she heard coming from the supply closet.

'Such a shitty owner,' she thought.

Jacob owned the small diner and ruined it for Millie.

She grabbed the white apron with the name, 'Millie' embroidered into it with all the paintings she had drawn onto it.

The pretty pinks that faded into a small purple flower.

Purple is Millie's favorite color.

The color was her favorite for so many reasons, it's pretty and light, but dark and rigid at the same time.

Tying the apron around her small body she walks back out to the front of the diner.

Walking from table to table asking if anyone needs anything she had already refilled three drinks and called in two orders.

'God Jacob, you have one job. Make sure the orders make it to the kitchen.' Millie thought as she wrote the orders down and called them back.

A few seconds after she got the orders back she walked over to the corner of the restaurant where a group of kids her age usually sit.

"Do you guys need anything?"

"I need a refill," one boy commented.

She took the cup into her hands, "What were you drinking?"

"Sprite," the boy politely commented.

Taking the cup back with a smile, "Is that all?"

"Can I get more ketchup please?" A girl asked.

"Yes you can," Millie smiled and walked back behind the counter.

Refiling the sprite and grabbing an extra ketchup bottle she brought it back to the table and had to ring seven groups up at the register.

Pulling the shiny iPhone out of her pocket she looks at the time, 'It's only been fifteen minutes,' she thought.

One of her co-workers comes back out of the back supply room.

"Hey Millie," she said happily slightly giggling.

"Hey Jenna," she sighed as she sat down.

Instead of the fifteen parties that were in here, there were only eight left.

"Millie, Jenna just served her time it's yours now!" Jacob yelled coming out from the kitchen.

"You're drunk," She huffed in frustration.

"N-no I'm not," he hiccupped as he wobbled where he was standing.

"C'mon," Millie said leading him to the supply closet.

"Oh yeah, Millie's finally feeling mutual!"

"It's not mutual, I just really need this goddamn job," Millie sighed, opening the door.

She lays him down on the floor, "My shift ends in an hour, I'll see you then."

Millie closes the door and stomps back into the dining part of the diner.

Jenna was ringing people up at the cash register, and Millie continued walking around assisting people.

She cleaned up three spills by a table with a toddler, refilled two cokes, and was about to clock out when she realized, 'Jacob's still in the closet.'

Walking her way through the back of the restaurant she opened the door and realized he was still knocked out.

"J, I'm gone my shift's over. Jenna's leaving too."

"No, wait Millie come back!"

"You're drunk, and no I've had enough of being your toy just to keep this job."

He grabbed her hand, "But Millie, I love you!"

Millie yanked her wrist out of his grasp and turned to leave, but Jacob wasn't letting her leave without a fight.

One second Millie was in the closet about to leave, the next she couldn't see anything.


I'm super proud of this book so I hope you guys love it. I absolutely think this book is my best so far so I think yall should enjoy it!

Bye lovelies,


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