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i woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. it was 6:00am and time to get ready for school.

i wasn't one of those girls who hated getting up early, actually i enjoyed it. i guess you could call me a morning person.

i stripped my pajamas off and looked for what to wear in the closet. i decided on a cropped red sweater with blue jeans and my red converse.

as for my hair, i put it up in a messy bun, allowing my baby hair to spread around. i swiped on mascara and put on some clear lipgloss.

i grabbed my backpack and went outside, headed to my car. i started the engine and drove to school.

once i arrived to school, i could already see that there was barely any parking space. im going to have to get even earlier.

after finally finding one, i parked my car and went inside the school, where i saw my friends wait for me at my locker.

jennifer and kayla stood there, talking about something until they noticed me.
"skylar! finally!"
"hey sky!"
i hugged both of them and explained why i was late.
"sorry, i couldn't find a parking space."

"it's okay, but there's a party on friday that taylors hosting. and before you interrupt me, i know you don't like her, but she throws some bomb ass parties. so, wanna come with us?" kayla asked.
"i know im not working friday so i'll have to check with jack first." i said getting my things.

they gave each other a look then turned back to me.
"i know you guys don't like him but it's been 8 months. get over your 'suspicions'." i air-quoted.
"fine, fine, ask...jack and then tell us what's up." jennifer said cautiously.

"okay, now the bell's about to ring so shoo! you guys can't be late for class again!"
"okay okay, bye sky!"
"bye boo!"
"bye jenn, bye kay!"

i shut my locker and walked to my next class. as i turned the hall, someone pinned me down against the lockers. he kissed me deeply and i kissed back.
"hey jack." i smiled.
"hey baby."
"i love you but i have to go to class babe."
"c'mon, we're all ditching 1st. join us."
"okay then, yeah."

he intertwined our hands together and we walked to my locker, putting my things away.
then we walked over to the south exit, considering no teachers were ever there, and we snuck out the doors to find everyone outside.

i said hi to everyone; derek, sammy, jack j, even taylor.
"hey guys." jack g said and they all greeted him.
there was one guy who had his back turned. he looked like he was smoking, but i couldn't be sure.

"babe who's that?" i whispered to jack g.
"don't worry about it." he said kissing me, passionately.
the boys hollered and taylor scoffed. i pulled back, blushing. the strange male finally turned around, and to my surprise, it was shawn.

i walked up to him and gave him a hug. i kinda felt bad considering jack g just kissed me with him standing right there.
"i didn't know you go here!" i said slapping his shoulder playfully.
"well i didn't know you go here!" he said mimicking my actions.

i laughed and turned back to everyone else.
taylor was smirking, derek trying to hide a laugh, sammy smoking, johnson looking down and gilinsky with his jaw clenched, looking straight at shawn.
i walked back over to jack g and put my arm around him.

"this is my boyfriend, jack gilinsky."
shawn only looked amused, while jack was smirking.
"the guy that was making you cry the other day?"
my eyes widened as i let go of him. everyone who was stopped laughing, and instead just gave each other looks. even taylor.

jack looked pissed. his was jaw clenched and he squinted his eyes.
"so uhm, my house friday?"
"y-y-yeah sure t!" sammy responded.
"im down." derek said.
"yeah why not." johnson responded.

"me and my girlfriend would love to go." he said pulling me to him, still staring at shawn.
shawn laughed, making him even more annoyed.
"dude, it's my girlfriend and i." shawn said still laughing.

jack charged at him, only to be stopped by johnson and sammy.
"not the time." sammy said.
"whatever." jack responded.

shawn turned to me, winking when nobody else was watching. i put my head down and waited for jack to come by my side again.
once he finally did, he swung his arm around me, sitting down. i would catch shawn staring at me a few times, but i just tried to pay attention to the conversation.

jack and i decided to go back in before second hour started, while the others stayed outside.
"you okay baby?" i asked him.
"fine." he grunted.
"okay well bye." i said, scoffing because of how annoyed i was.

i felt a sharp pain on my back. i was pushed against the wall.
"don't do that skylar." he seethed.
i looked down hoping tears wouldn't come down. i can't cry in front of him.

he left me as i ran to the bathroom. i wiped my eyes with the schools rough tissue and went back outside, acting as if nothing happened.

i took my things for second hour just as the bell rang. i arrived to class early, taking a seat in the back row. i had taylor in this class.

as the bell rang, taylor came in and ran up to me. maybe i was wrong about her.
"is this seat taken?" she asked, obvious desperation in her voice.
"no, sit." i smiled.
she smiled back and took a seat just as the teacher started her lesson.

after class, i decided to avoid jack. it's gonna be hard, but i really don't wanna see him.
i bumped into a tall figure, causing me to fall.
"fuck, im so sorry." i said.
"no, it's my fau- skylar."
"shawn. hello."
"hey skylar. look i apologize if i caused any problems within your relationship."

—jacks pov; trigger warning

i kissed the random freshman passionately. she moaned through the kiss, causing me to smirk.

i guess i just had that effect.
"i need to- mhmm, i need to go back t-to class." she said through the kiss.
i pulled back, scoffing.
"so nothing's going to happen?"
she shook her head no and i walked away, annoyed.

"hey, where are you going?" i ignored her and kept walking.

as i turned the corner, i walked into the senior hall spotting shawn and skylar, together. the sight of them together made my blood boil. i was going to let it go and walk away, but then he laid his hand on her.

"what the hell are you two doing?" i shouted.
she quickly backed away, ashamed.
"calm down dude, i was just apologizing."
i punched him in the face, causing him to lose his balance, but not fall.

"jack, what the fuck! are you insane?" she charged at me.
i slapped her, hard, and she fell to the floor, her hand on her cheek.
"cheating bitch." i spat as she cried.

"hey, don't you ever fucking touch a woman like that. sucker-punch me all you want, but you won't touch skylar." shawn got up.
"shut the fuck up?" i said annoyed.

i pulled skylar up as she looked at me in fear.
"cmon, babe, let's leave." i dragged her to the door.
"do you need help?" shawn asked her.
i pinched her where shawn couldn't see, and
she shook her head no, obeying me.

we ran out of the school and to my car, locking the doors.

"you. you've been a very naughty girl."
she shivered at my touch.
"so now you'll have to pay. finish your job that you started yesterday. suck my dick."
"i really don't want to, i'm not feelin-"
"suck. my. dick. you owe it to me."

she sighed and unzipped my pants, starting the job.
she took only the beginning of me in her mouth, which bothered me.

i pushed her head down as she cried. i didn't understand why she had to make this so complicated.

"just get off."
she got off and wiped her lips and her stained eyes.
she left the car, heading back towards the school. id be surprised if she didn't get caught.

anyways, not my problem.
i pulled out of the school and drove home, i needed to relax.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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