This isn't so bad......right?

Start from the beginning

“Shut up! I hated everything about that kiss, I want to forget about it but you keep bringing it up.” Lance felt his face go red and he was happy Rolo couldn't see him through the darkness.

Rolo stopped walking and rotated his body towards Lance. “I don't think that's true, I can see it in your eyes, you liked it. Want to know how I know?”

Lance didn't respond, didn't even nod and Rolo continued his ramble.

“Your sister had the same look in her eye when she kissed her soulmate. Something about her eyes changed, she was no longer cold. It was the first step to her leaving, just one kiss was her downfall.” Rolo continued to walk and Lance clenched his fist in rage.

“Don't talk about her like you knew her! You knew nothing about her!” Lance fought to keep his voice low, but there was something about Rolo that just got under his skin.

Rolo realised a small chuckle, “I knew enough. I knew enough to where I could have gotten her but Ashley got in the way. I knew I shouldn't have let her go on that mall trip. That's where they kissed.” He scoffed at the ground.

“She went on that trip to avoid you, you were and it looks like still are obsessed with her!” Lance wanted to reach out and grab Rolo, he wanted to just released all of his pent up rage on him but he knew he was in no position to do that.

Rolo never responded, he simply stopped in front if the school building and smiled at Lance. “Ready to break in?”

“You can't be serious?”


Rolo couldn't have been more serious in his life and a few minutes later Lance found himself in his school. Rolo had unlocked one of the ground floors windows on Friday during school, making the break in easier.

Lance followed the older boy around the school and up a flight of stairs. What are we doing here? What does he have plan? Lance gulped and noticed a camera. “Rolo, won't the camera see us?” His voice was panicky but he couldn't help it, he was breaking and entering and the cameras caught all of it.

Rolo looked quickly at the camera and kept walking. “Don't worry about them, come Monday the footage will be erased.”


Rolo have Lance a toothy smile, “leave that up to me. Now we're here to let's have some fun.” They stopped in front of a set of lockers and Rolo pulled out a black marker out of his pocket. “That one, number 236.” He shoved the marker in Lance's hand.

Lance squinted at the locker number that was barely noticeable consider the only lights were the streetlights and the emergency lights in the school. Why does this number seem so familiar? His grip tighten around the marker and he opened the cap. “What do you what me to do?”

“Well I want you to write the words that come to your head when you think of yourself.” Rolo leaned himself against the opposite wall and crossed his arms. “Any negativity you've been feeling about yourself I want you to write them down.”

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