Shopping and lessons

Start from the beginning

Keith watched his brother dig into his pancakes and he sighed with delight. “Mom I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed your cooking.” The older woman smiled and took a bite of bacon.

“So, Shiro how is work going? I bet you’re working on something big.” Keith turned his attention towards his father who was scooping fruit onto his plate.

“Work is going great, I’m training recruits with another girl named Allura. She looks like a model at first glance but she lifted me up once. She is very intimidating when she wants to be. I also might be selected to go on a mission soon, I can’t say the details but if I get selected it would be an honor.” A small smile grew on Shiro's face and Matt laughed.

“He also gets to see me whenever he wants so I think that it’s a huge plus.” Matt wrapped his arm around Shiro’s shoulder, who was trying to hide his tomato red face.

Matt kissed Shiro’s forehead and looked at Keith, “so Keith, how has school been?”

Keith put his fork down and swallowed the food in his mouth. “It’s been okay. Your sister is really cool and she always makes me feel welcome.”

Matt gave Keith a confused look then his face smoothed out. “They haven’t told you yet?”

Now it was Keith’s turn to look at Matt with utter confusion, “what do you mean?”

Matt shook his head, “you’ll be told when they want to tell you.”

Keith nodded and dropped the subject, “but yeah school is going great. The teachers are super cool and I made a few friends.”

Matt nodded “sorry you had a hard time adjusting on your first day.”

Keith waved his hand in the air, “no no it's fine, that's in the past and I moved on from that.”

After breakfast was cleaned up Keith went back to him room, pretending he didn't see both Matt and Shiro head towards the showers together. Keith shut his bedroom door and got ready for the day, he was slipping his shirt on over his head with he received a text from Katie.

(9:50) Katie: Yo you up?

Keith quickly responded with a yes and started to fix his hair. A few moments later his phone went off again and Keith glanced at the message.

(9:51) Katie: Wanna hit the mall today with Shay and I?

Keith quickly thought about his schedule and type his response, already looking in his closet for a different outfit.

(9:52) Keith: Sure, when and where?


Keith was sitting by a wishing well ignoring the flirtatious looks he received but passing strangers.

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