44. Pain

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Hola! It's been a some days since I updated. I am really trying to like make a schedule, but PROCRASTINATION os strong.

Yeah It's summer and a really boring one for me....like the only fun I have is in my head.



Aiden's POV

I went back inside the room. Hospitals were definitely not my cup of tea. Every time I step in one I am bombarded with bad news. For once I'll like to walk in and be told that everything is okay.

Amily laid on the bed comfortably sleeping. I saw her face and images of what happened only hours ago came to me. There was too much blood. What could have caused it?

"Aiden?" Amily spoke softly. Her voice a bit hoarse. She grabbed the water bottle I placed beside her and gulped it down.

"Hey, bookworm." I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey." She smiled. I missed it a lot. I didn't want to tell her. That smile would fade once I did tell her. It will hurt her. There's no telling how she will handle it, but I just don't want her to go back into her old habit. The scars on her wrist remind me of it and to think that she would do it again will kill me.

"Please promise me you won't blame yourself when I tell you this." I try to say calmly. She looks at me puzzled. My hands began to sweat.

"Aiden, I can't just promise something, not knowing what you are talking about." She looks calm and I don't want to ruin that.

"Just don't blame yourself when I tell you." She nods. I breathe in. My mouth opens, but no words come out. She waits patiently.

"Y-you....oh god I can't do this. I don't want you to blame yourself. I also don't want you to shut me out. I want us to go through this together."

"Aiden, calm down, please." She puts her hand on mine rubbing circles on it. It calms me down a bit, but that feeling goes flying out the window when I see her face.

"You had a....." I wait a bit, "a miscarriage." I let it out, but it hurts to say it. I could have been a dad. There could have been a little Aiden or Amily running around the house. I hear her gasp. Tears coming down her eyes non-stop. I want anything else to make them stop.

I can't help, but cry either. I scoot closer to her holding her in my lap. She cries into my chest.

"I want to go home." She says almost in a whisper. I kiss her forehead and move her back on the bed.


The car ride home was silent. Neither of us could make a conversation. The radio played, but it didn't help at all to loosen the pain inside me. It flipping hurt. I couldn't breathe from the ache.

Amily had fallen asleep. She looked peaceful for once, since I told her. I parked the car. The summer heat making me sweat just by stepping outside. I went around and took her in my arms closing the door with my foot.

It was a struggle to open the door, but I finally do. I placed her in our bedroom. She moved a bit, then went back to sleep. I placed a kiss on her cheek and leave her to sleep.

It's been a long day.

I sit in front of the TV, but no show catches my attention. At least not one to make the pain go away. I press the power button on the control and see the TV go black.

I can't help but think about what Amily is  thinking. Why if she is blaming herself? Thinking that she must of done something to cause it.

Knocking on the door pulls me out of my thoughts that were running wild.

I open the door to see Lizz standing in front of me.

"Why didn't you tell me? I had to hear it from someone else. Tyler saw you and Amily coming out of the hospital." She said fast before making herself at home.

"I am your sister! What happened?" She sat down and kept on going with her mouth. I went to open my mouth, but was cut off by Lizz talking again.

"Where's Amily?" She asked concerned. She looked around like if she expected her to come out of nowhere.

"She's sleeping." I said rather fast so she wouldn't cut me off.

"Are you okay?" I wanted to scream no and make her go. I wanted peace and quiet, but that would be worse. I would be left with my thoughts to eat me inside.

"Amily had a miscarriage and I don't know what to do." She placed her hand on her mouth. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"I am so sorry. Just be there with her." She got up to leave. I nodded.

She closed the door behind her and I made my way to the bedroom. She was still sleeping soundly. I climbed in with her and held her close to me. Amily turned around and snuggle her face into my chest.

"I love you." I whispered to her before going to sleep for a bit.




OMG!! 19k+ reads. Y'all are amazing!

*Awkward C.* over and out

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