Gifts Of The Slytherin Magi...

Start from the beginning

Malfoy wanted a show.

And I was going to my give my vendetta right back to him.

I opened the door to make my reveal to my fiancé feeling the drafty nerves of anxiety snaking all over my half covered body.

I opened the door to make my reveal to my fiancé feeling the drafty nerves of anxiety snaking all over my half covered body

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The Dress Darlings... 😍🖤

"Merlin's Beard... Hermione Jean Granger," Ronald called with his blue eyes wide open and his naiveness oozing out of his brain.

"You are... I can't even find the appropriate words to... to..." Ronald sweetly tried to compliment me and ended with kissing my lips and taking me in his arms.

"Thank you," I softly smiled, feeling the rush of blushing against my cheeks in not liking this dress on my body for the mer fact of knowing who bought this for me.

"Let's go drink up all their FireWhiskey's!" Ronald announced his plans as I laughed rolling my eyes laughing and soon we were off to Draco's penthouse upstairs...

Play the song lovers! 😘

We took the lift to a double door entrance automatically opening to his home and the party already in play. Everything was as expected from a Malfoy function... From the live entertainment, to his parvenu guests, and to the never ending alcoholic refreshments buzzing around every room.

Malfoy owned the entire floor of the hotel of course... I had to admit his home was breathtaking. You could see the night dazzling lit filled strip from every angle and every window that surrounded his penthouse.

Ronald and I didn't have a clue to who any of these witches or wizards were. Except, for the only frustratingly familiar pale face we both recognized making his way towards us. And giving me that same idolized grotesquely stares with a devilish smirk on his face. And exuding his historic arrogance...

"I'm pleased to see you two could find the time to join us... Welcome to my second home," Malfoy gloated in his costly ink-like suit and I wanted to vomit from his bragging as shook Ronald's hand. He then reached for mine and I apprehended for a moment. Nevertheless, I gave into the snake bastard staring into my ganache colored eyes with his icings of grey as he held my hand in his... He squeezed my hand so tightly, but the pressure was titillatingly pleasing. It was the first time, I had ever even touched this sly monster. And he was obviously thinking the same, holding onto me engraving and savoring this moment between us for the both us to remember.

"Granger, you look poisoningly perilous in that gown of yours," Malfoy nefariously spoke, ending with licking his plumped lips and smearing a smile taking in every inch of my body from head to toe. Ronald hadn't a clue what he said nor cared, being too preoccupied with his free FireWhiskey just handed to him by a hired House Elf.

I quickly removed my hand from his tempting profane grips, jerking it away from him. I didn't thank him at all... I gave him a repugnant go to hell look for my response. And of course, he loved it... malevolently grinning right back at me.

Indecent Proposal... DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now