its you

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Martina inhaled a handful of breath and look at Belle expectantly, she told her who she was, and where she came from, and she was Aurora who gave her the necklace, and the girl who belle met all those years ago and the promise they shared,  and the kiss she gave which made Belle's face red, the years she spent trying to find her, in every mission she had.
"It's you,! it's really you Aurora!" Belle was full of joy and gave her a hug so tight her heartfelt warmth.
" And I am expecting that you'll give me the kiss I gave you " Martina tease her smiling brightly.
Belle bit her lip and look at her "I want to you call you Arora, like before " she said hopefully as Aurora nodded "I still wanted to know, why you didn't meet me at our meeting spot " Aurora said with a hint of sadness
" Mother and father took me away when they heard your clan was hiding not far away from the cottage where we were living," belle said guiltily.

  " Now why would your parents do that? taking you away from me," Aurora said curiosity. then belle took out a beautiful pendant hanging just below Belle's necklace. Engrave crest of three swords and a swan.

" I am princess Regina belle of oxford and my father and mother have been hiding me from the likes of assassin's - belle stop mid-sentence as Aurora looks at her tenderly encouraging her to continue " even though​ our kind has been at war Aurora I don't mind them all because I adore you" tears started to fall from their eyes they gaze each other with passion and love.
" I want to stop this madness and be with you, for the rest of our lives Belle " Aurora's lips touch Belle's as they drown in an endless feeling of their once suspended adoration for each other.

A blush crept through their faces after their shared kiss they hug each other afraid this may be a dream.

Once dawn break and the two started packing their things. As they traveled back towards Belle's town.
They arrived at nightfall exhausted. As belle open the library door Francine ran towards belle crying

" My lady where have you been I was worried sick oh your father has been looking everywhere for you and your mother as well is upstairs waiting for you" belle nodded and motioned Aurora to sit and wait for her

Francine poured a cup of tea and handed it to Aurora.
" Lady Martina I'm surprised you're here with the lady, it has been hard for her parent's she's been gone for a week with no notice whatsoever," Francine said quickly as she looks at Aurora
" Please don't be too formal I'm just an ordinary maiden " Aurora smiled as Francine sat down and talk about what had happened these past few days

She looks at the door where belle entered and sadness crept through her chest.
An elderly man burst through the door
" Francine where's my daughter! I've heard she has returned and you! " he turned to Aurora as royal guards appeared holding swords
" Seize that girl " the man pointed making Aurora froze as she was escorted outside. Belle came running for her and hug Aurora
" Father! stop this madness! you're taking away the love of my life !!" Belle screamed and hug Aurora tighter
Her father's eyes widen as he looks at her wife and her daughter hugging her captor.

" She captured you, my child how could you possibly love her when she has taken you away from us," he said coldly as his wife walk near him and look at him tenderly.

They escorted the royal family to the palace and king Maurice sat in the throne room with his wife.
" My dear tells us why of all people you have come to love a woman you know in certain places this is forbidden, " queen Sophia said calmly while looking at her daughter hand in hand with Aurora.

" I cannot explain how or why, there are a million reasons, but I do love her mother so please let us be, " belle said softly while gripping aurora's arm while looking at her parent's distressed faces.
Her mother's eyes widen and look at Belle's necklace " where did you acquire that pendant my dear " she stood up from the chair and looks closely at the iron rose shape pendant.
" It has been a gift from Aurora mother,  she has given me this 13 years ago when we were children" her mother look at Aurora and held her face
" My, my you look like Matilda when she was still a young maiden " the queen hugs Aurora tightly as tears run down from her​ cheeks. Belle and King Maurice look at each other in confusion.
" Dear can you tell us why you're calling that girl that looks like Amelia, heavens she and her husband had been killed by an assassin's all these years along with their child," Maurice told his queen with sadness as he recalled his friend the king with his wife.

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