Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV:

"Mom! Do I have to?" I whined while helping my mom load our suitcases into the house from the back of her red ford fusion. "Yes! I need to run to the store, please get your room set up. You're sixteen now y/n. Start acting like it!" she said sternly.

I love my mom, she was strict yet loving. We have been very close since she left dad. My dad is a junkie so he was gone most of the time. Mom left him and took me with her. We moved as far away as possible from him. I love my dad, I felt really bad for "choosing" my mom.

"I'll be back in about half an hour." she said as she walked out the door. I huffed out of frustration and went up to my room to unload my suitcase. My room was completely empty besides  my small mattress sitting on the floor and my small dresser I've had forever sitting in the corner. The walls were bare, besides the dust sitting in the corners. I plopped my suit case on the floor and unzip it to start unpacking clothes.

After a couple hours I finally finished putting my clothes up, at least everything that could fit in my tiny ass dresser. I could feel the sweat practically pouring from my hairline. "ugh, I should probably shower." I grab my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash from my extra bag. I head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I enter the small bathroom that is technically "my bathroom". It was very small and only had a toilet, sink with a mirror, and a small stand up shower. "This will have to do I guess."

After I'm finished I go back to my room to get dressed. I put on a black Guns n' Roses T-shirt, jean shorts, and black high top converse. I quickly write my mom a note, so she doesn't freak when I'm gone. "Mom, I'm gonna go explore around town a little and get some fresh air. I'll be back around 7 pm. Love you, y/n."

I grab my walkman from my suitcase and race down the stairs, almost tripping myself. I walk out the door, making sure to lock it behind me. I grab my bike and stick my walkman into my bike's basket. I stick in one of my Queen cassette tapes. The first song that plays is Bohemian Rhapsody. I hop on my bike and start pedaling around Derry.

I was riding by the Pharmacy when in the alleyway I spot 5 kids, one of them clearly injured. "Holy shit, what the fuck?" I stop as fast as I can and turn around. I propped my bike against the entrance and run over to them. "What happened here? Is he okay?" They look up, the one with thick glasses speaks up and half yells "WOAH. WHY IS A HOT GIRL TALKING TO US???" I try my best to stifle my laughter. "Richie! Shut up! You don't just say that!" the thin curly blonde headed boy hissed.  Richie glared at him and rolled his eyes. "Anyway, This is Stan, Eddie, Bill, and..?" Richie gestured to the injured boy. "Ben." He replied quietly, "Are you okay Ben?" A small framed brunette boy, Eddie, I assume was bandaging him up. "I'm fine.." Ben said quietly "I just fell..that's all..." he said trailing off. "Yeah, fell right into Henry Bowers!" Richie said. I raised my eyebrows. "Who's Henry Bowers?" I asked. "Only the biggest bully in town!" he responded. "Are you new or something? Everyone knows who Henry Bowers is!" I rolled my eyes. "I'm new to town. Sorry for asking. Jeez." Then an idea popped into my head.

"You know what, I'm going to go talk to Bowers myself." They all look at me, eyes wider than dinner plates. "You can't do that! You'll die!" I scoffed. "I highly doubt he's that scary. Plus he has enough common sense to not hurt a girl, right?" Everyone is silent as I turn to walk away. "Wait!" I turn my head to see Richie not too far behind me. "Before you die, whats your name?" I felt a smile form on my face and I laughed. "Y/n."

"Wait, I don't even know what this dude looks like!"

I turn back around and gesture to the group of boys, "Hey! What does this guy even look like?" Richie scoffed. "Blue eyes, blonde hair, basic white dude if you ask me." I sighed. "This is gonna be fun."

"Look out Henry Bowers, Y/n Y/l/n is comin' for you." I hopped back on my bike and rode off with the intent of finding Henry Bowers, even if I was now regretting my decision of being a "hero" or whatever.

Only if I knew what I was getting myself into.

I'll Fix You- A Henry Bowers fanfiction (Henry Bowers X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now