Chapter 19 - Destroyed

Start from the beginning

Carn turned and went with him, as he was aware that they weren't required or wanted while their commander was in his sister's presence.

As the two soldiers walked off, Ender watched, making sure they were both completely out of the room before he turned his attention toward Valentine.

"A lot has happened." He said simply. "But if I stayed to talk about it all with you, I'd be wasting time I don't necessarily have."

Valentine predictably rose an eyebrow. Her next words were once again full of criticism. "Oh I'm sorry little brother. If you don't have time, give me the short version."

Ender shook his head quite hastily as he stood up, attempted to somewhat straighten his uniform, and made a move towards the doorway. He didn't have the energy nor the time to engage in their usual banter. Valentine wasn't being serious with her apparent disapproval in her response, but that didn't matter.

She grabbed his arm.

"Look, Val this is important. I wouldn't be..." He stopped talking once he turned and saw her face.

She looked...understanding.

"I'm not an idiot, you know." She smiled. "I don't care if you tell me what Peter did or not right now. Just take me with you. Wherever you're going, I want in."

Ender gave her a look and opened his mouth to protest.

"Before you say anything stupid, you know that there's nothing you can say or do that'll stop me from being by your side. Peter is both of our responsibility."

Responsibility. Valentine used the term in order to indicate the shared connection the two of them had regarding their brother, and yet the word only made Ender want to vomit. If he had had anything left in his stomach, he was sure that it would've been on the floor by now.

The constant guilt that Ender felt since finding out what Peter did was consuming him. And Valentine was definitely right. Peter was his responsibility. He was supposed to keep his brother under control and because he failed, Mazer was dead. How could he blame anybody but himself?

"You're right." His voice came out weak which, as far as he could tell, startled his sister. She didn't question it however. "Let's go."

* * * * * * * *

"Back to class, you idiots! How do you expect us to beat the Warsaw Pact if all you do is skip vital strategy lessons?!"

At first glance, the young Launchies that had gathered outside of their quarters thought they could see smoke coming out of Colonel Graff's ears. As they looked closer, however, they realized that the red colour of his face made it seem as though he was actually fuming. Somehow, Graff had known exactly where they were supposed to be, and he wasn't exactly happy that they were playing card games instead.

"Well, what are you waiting for? The school to catch fire?! If you don't get off your asses, it will!"

The group of eight or so approximately nine to ten year olds all scrambled back onto their feet. Only a few stood at attention which displeased Graff even more. If they had been paying attention to their teachers, they would all know that they had to stand like that when addressed by their superiors.

He didn't even want to get started on everything that they were doing wrong.

"Civilians!" He yelled as he paced back and forth. "That's what you all are! Not soldiers! Now get back to class before I kick you out of my school."

Even if Graff wanted to, which he didn't, there was no opportunity for him to add another word. The now scared children all ran out of the room as if there were an actual fire. Graff smiled.

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