1 - Introduction to the Universe

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The story, Inferiority, is set in New York City, in the year 2073. In recent times, there have been documented cases of children being born with some sort of power. Although it occurs very rarely, the government tries to conceal the existence of such people and as a result, the public eye is completely unaware. So far as they know, the most powerful beings are the AI Robots, specifically designed to function as a last resort for the police force and medical staff in hospitals. If anyone were to find out about the existence of these people, their powers would be highly sought after. They may even be subjected to torment or inhumane procedures to try and 'transfer' the abilities to someone else. Secret government statistics confirm that only seventeen people have been discovered to have these powers, but all seem to have a massive flaw that could easily kill them if they used too much of their power. To prevent their guinea pigs from dying out, they gathered them to live in a single apartment complex funded by the government and inserted power tracking devices into the bodies of the power mongers. These devices administer a small electric shock to the system and disables their abilities temporarily somehow.

With that being said, let us move on to the characters themselves.

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