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Allie's POV
While I settled in my new house, I looked out the open window. It was a pretty nice day. Then, I saw a boy standing there that kind of looked like Devan Key. He looked so attractive, but there's no time for that. I think I was staring, because he opened his window and said, "Whatcha (IK😂) looking at?" I responded nervously and said," Nothing!" "What's your name? I haven't seen you in this neighborhood before." "Allie Stilo" I respond, nervously. "Devan Key." OMG WAS I TALKING TO THE ACTUALLY DEVAN KEY?!?!?!?!?!?! "See you around, Allie." "You too ,Devan."
An hour later, dinner is ready. After dinner, the smell of fresh cookies fill the house. "Cookies!"  But before I can take one, my mom snatches them out of my hand. "They're for the neighbors, honey" "I can take them." I respond. "In fact, do you mind if I spend the night over at their house if they let me?" "Sure honey. Here are the cookies." She hands the cookies over to me and I take them to Devan's house.
To Be Continued...
Sorry for being cliffhanger-ish, but this is the 3rd chapter I posted today. I will be trying to post tomorrow if I'm not busy with homework. Thank you for reading my story. I love to share my writings with other people. It makes me SUPER happy you're reading this.
Peace ✌️

Why?|Devan KeyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon