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Allie's POV
My mom called me downstairs. When she did, I could feel the tension bubble up between us.
"Honey, I have to tell you something..." my mom said, tearing up.
"Yes mom?" I said, calmly.
"We're moving..."
!!! My initial reaction was where?
"Where?! When!?"
"On Friday and to California ..."
Well, at least I could get a fresh new start. I had no friends in NYC anyways.
Skip to when you got to Cali and saw your new house
I ran inside as fast as I could. It was so big! I took selfies on Instagram so that my followers (1,000) could see. Ahh!
Sorry about the short chapter guys! All chapters will be either this or more. This is my first book so hate all you want.
Peace ✌️

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