"Hey, Maeve wait up! I wasn't going to say anything, I promise." I shot him a glance when he caught up to me. "Okay maybe I was but I won't, pinkie promise?" he held out his pinkie while pushing his bottom lip.

"Just so you are aware I am not doing this because you gave me the puppy dog face; I am doing this but you need to shut up, a lot." I wrapped my pinkie around his.

"I was so right." He said so quietly I only just heard him.

"Right? About what?"

"What are you talking about, I didn't say anything?"

"Don't mess with me Sadler." I was definitely hanging out with boys too much; I was now on last name basis.

"I was right when I thought you were on your period." Here he goes again with his immunity with embarrassment during awkward conversations.

"What?" I gasped. He had never mentioned 'my time of the month' before and now he just came out with it.

"You're on your period. I can always tell when you are." I was god smacked, how on earth did he know I was on my period.

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Easy, you act and move different. Like you go to the toilet five times a day; you snap at anyone; you have a headache the whole time and your subconsciously rub your stomach. I also know you get extremely bad cramps that's why you take pain killers every four hours." He said at a reasonably normal speed and with no hesitation. Damn his immunity.

"Oh, that's well- you're very observant."

"So I was right then." His grin was awfully knowing.

"That is none of your business!" I gasped shoving him in the side.

"I was right." This time he ducked before I could hit him in the head. "I even know when you had your first one it was-" I cut him off.

"Shut up." Of course he was right and it was scary that he was. "I'm starting to think you're obsessed with me." His face went from cocky to confused.

"W-What?" he stuttered.

"You know a lot about me and you're always protecting me." He looked like he had seen a ghost. "Chill, I'm joking, stop looking too worried."

His sigh of relief was very satisfying.

It was last lesson and I was in desperate need of more painkillers; it felt like I was going to die of cramp. How could people possibly live with this for years? I had RE so I wasn't paying much attention; I wasn't a religious person. I didn't believe in God or Jesus; I believed in science. I only had five minutes left so I decided to sit and doodle on my book until I was out of this hell. I almost laughed at the fact I had just been thinking how RE was all rubbish then I was making references to hell. But I didn't laugh because I didn't think the teacher would find it all that funny when I had to explain to the class.

Our classroom was on the second floor near the back of the school; I was going to have to end up running to the gates before Rory left me. He did that on Tuesday because apparently I had taken too long to get there so he decided to go back to his dorm.

I looked at the clock again; two minutes. It was time to start subtly packing my bag so I could run. Everything was packed just in time because the bell had rung.

I made my way to the door then ran down the stairs into the main corridor. Everyone was shuffling around desperate to go back to their dorms to have some fun and relax. Most of the boys hated the act that their home was so close to school but my friends were so weird they liked it. I once asked why and go a simple answer 'we don't have to walk far'. They were too lazy or their own good.

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