Chapter four;

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“Alright class, that’s it for today. Homework’s due for Monday.” Mrs Goody said smiling at me. I think she could tell I was having a rough lesson.

I gathered up my books and headed towards the door only to over a conversation.

“Looks like the only bird in the nest wasn’t very interested, eh Connor?” Someone unfamiliar said.

“She was so interested you should have heard the stuff she said.” I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. How could boys think it was okay to make fun of me like this? Treat me like muck.

“Really she didn’t seem to be saying much.”  

“Trust me by next week she’ll be all over me.” Connor said. I was sick of this; I really couldn’t deal with it any longer. I put on my best winning smile and spun around.

“All over you? Really if you think I’ll be all over you then I think you need to go to the doctors, to check for any brain damage.” I scoffed. Connors cheeks went bright red and his mouth was a little open so I continued. “Seriously I worry about some people at this school. Do you know how big-headed you sound right now? I feel sorry for any girl that ever gets involved with you.” I quickly turned on my heel and smiled at the thought of Connor’s shocked face.

“Yep you totally have that one in the bag.” One of his friends laughed.  

I sighed in relief when I saw the very familiar messy brown hair and tanned skin.

“Rory!” I ran over to him since he hadn’t heard me at first.

“Oh, hey Maeve what’s up? You look a little mad.” He stated the obvious.

“A little?” Why did I have to act like a bitch every time someone annoyed me; oh yeah because I was a hormonal teenage girl.

“Who upset you?” He asked drawing attention from Jamie and Aiden.

“A boy.” My answers were short and simple. If I said anymore I would no doubt say something I regret.

“Well that’s good and obvious since you’re the only girl around here.” Aiden laughed causing me to glare at him.

“I am in no mood for your immature jokes Rory.”

“Right, sorry. What’s wrong?” He rested his arm over my shoulder as we walked to biology. I snuggled in a little further needing some well-known Rory-love.

“Some boy in my year 11 math thought he had me ‘in the bag’, so naturally I had a go at him in the hallway; turning all eyes onto me. It’s not like I’m no a freak already or anything. I just thought I’d like to make myself more uptight and snobby.” I sniffed trying to hold back my tears; I couldn’t allow myself to cry in front of the boys it was just unethical here.

“He. Did. What?” Rory spat. I noticed we had stopped walking; all four of us.

“It was nothing really can we just go now, please?” other people were starting to notice our little talk in the science block.

“We are talking about this later.” He kissed my forehead as we went our separate ways.

“Yes.” Aiden and Jamie said in sync. I had no doubt at all that the whole school would find out about our incident by home time.

In biology I gained a few extra stares than usual and people were whispering about me from all over.

“So you and Sadler, huh?” Tom Chadwick, the most popular boy in our year asked.

“Me and Rory? You are kidding right?” I was certainly not in the mood for his joking.

“Why would I be kidding?” His face showed that he was seriously confused; I honestly wondered how he even remembered to tie his shoe laces in the morning. I looked down, typical Velcro fasteners, I thought.

Locked in with the Enemyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें