Chapter 2- Packing

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Chapter 2- Packing

Joey's POV

Shane: Do you have to leave me?

Joey: Yes. I'll pack my stuff from my house and then come back over here.

Shane: Can I come with you?

Joey: Then it will take twice as long.

Shane: I'm fine with that.

Joey: No Shane. You pack while I pack. I'll be back here in a few hours ok?

Shane: You know I'm not comfortable being away from you for long.

Joey: You're not gonna give up will you?

Shane: Nope.

Joey: Fine. Let's pack your stuff now and then go to my house and pack my things. Ok?

Shane: Thank you babe!

He gave me a quick kiss then turned around and started putting clothes into a box. I roll my eyes and do the same.

Sometime later I get bored and lay on my bed. I hang over the edge of my bed and see something poking out from under my bed. I grab it. It's my camera.

I look over at Joey. He's bending over. I smirk and turn on my camera. I zoom in and film his butt. Eventually he looks at over at me.

Joey: Why are you filming my butt and why aren't you packing?

Shane: Packing is boring.

Joey: Well in not doing this alone. Shut off your camera and help me.

I resort to begging and trying to be cute. I pout.

Shane: Can't I just lay here? Please?

Joey: No. Get up.

Shane: Please? I love you. I'll give you a kiss.

He sighed. I think I'm winning. I pouted again. He sighed again.

Joey: I swear to god, if you don't unpack I won't speak to you for a week.

Shane: Thank you! I love you so so much Joey!

Joey: Whatever.

I filmed his butt more and gave him a kiss each time he walked by me. He looked slightly annoyed. I felt bad but then I fell asleep and took a nap.

Joey: Shane wake up.

Shane: No...

Joey: I have to go pack.

Shane: Stay here.

Joey: I can't. You can stay here or come with me.

Shane: Carry me?

Joey: I'm leaving. Bye!

He started walking out. I quickly got up and chased him. Joey was standing by the door laughing.

Shane: I hate you.

Joey: No you don't. You love me.

Shane: Whatever. Carry me please?

Joey: No. You can walk you lazy butt.

I sighed over dramatically and followed him as he walked to his house. I sat on the bed. I crossed my arms and pouted.

Joey: Don't be like that. I thought you were an adult.

Shane: I am. I just wanted you to carry me.

Joey: I'll carry you later.

Shane: You better. I'll remember this conversation.

Joey: Whatever. Please help me pack. This will go faster.

Shane: Ugh. Fine.

I get up and help pack his things. I can't help but smile at some of the things I pick up. Things like his camera and the notebook. Things that are important to us. I walk over to Joey and kiss him. As always, he kissed back right away.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

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