Sunday Blues

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You see the reason that I love and hate is
Just so many people have come crying to me and whining to me
They say what's the matter with me
I say just breathe babe and you'll be fine
But they fall and forget how to fly
This time it might be me
Asking myself, "What's the matter with me?"
But I can't tell him myself if I'm fine or not
I just need you
With me
But I'm all alone again
Aren't I?
I feel so incomplete, depressed, angry and what's the word?
But can't you see?
I'm fixing myself so you don't have to
Maybe you want to but no, it's not your job
It's mine
I don't want to put that pressure on you
Because I know that one day you'll just be done with having to deal
And we both know that one day I could leave you or you could leave me
But it will always be because of something I did
It's not you
It's me
I'm the one who dies inside and cries inside
Because I'm the one who can't pick up their own pieces
I try so hard but I can't fight the demons
I need you
Please don't leave me over one day where I couldn't hold myself together
Where the week came tumbling down on top me
I have scars on my wrist from when I realized that I wasn't missed
I have hands on my throat and the suicide note
I'm ready to jump
And fall
And fly
All at the same time
I just don't think you are
And maybe that's why we collide
We both have our problems
Our issues
Our sides
We both need to say goodbye
And maybe it's this time
Or next time
Who knows?
Because I sure don't
And it's so hard not to hate you
But it so hard not to love you either
Sincerely, yours truly
Delivered and signed

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