Chapter Twenty-One: Late-Night Problems

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“Harry, go to sleep.” Louis had been telling me to sleep for nearly an hour now. I kept talking his ear off. It wasn’t my fault I was scared to be caught at his house. The two of us were naked in each other’s arms (just the way we liked it) and suddenly, at about one o’clock, the thought of Mr. Wright occurred. The man was spending the night at our house tonight (which is totally gross by the way) and I had the bright idea to go sneak over to the Tomlinson residence because Louis was ‘lonely’.

“Louis, I can’t. Mr. Wright will have our asses if he figures out where I am.” Louis sighs underneath me.

“If anybody asks, you were with Maisy,” he says as if I should have thought of that beforehand, “I mean, you do have the hickeys to prove it.” I roll my eyes in the dark. Louis had given me multiple lovebites tonight. I still haven’t given him one.

“Yeah, but I’m going to school wearing your clothes,” I say, enlightening him of what the two of us had planned after he ruined my clothes tonight.

You shouldn’t have come over here, Harry.

 I know.

“You’re really scared of being caught, aren’t you?” I sit up and look down at Louis. What’s that supposed to mean? Of course I’m afraid. Is he not? “I should be more scared than you, Harry.” Louis sits up so that he and I are looking directly into each other’s eyes. “I mean, you are just a kid. Me, I’ll be put in jail for child molestation or something. You’d probably just get grounded. Plus, its way worse that I’m a teacher at your school.” My eyebrows raise up to question him.

“You think the turnout of us would be worse for you than it would be for me?” He chuckles.

“Of course it would be. I’m an adult. You’re just a-”

“Kid. I know,” I say angrily, finishing his sentence for him. I sling the covers off of my body and start putting on all the articles of my clothing I can find.

“Harry, what are you doing?” he asks me. “Are you seriously getting mad because I believe I would end up in a worse situation than you would if the two of us were caught?” I squint at him angrily.

“My mom would never forgive me, Louis,” I hiss at him. “She is all I have. If she doesn’t want to talk to me, then I would have nobody. So yes. I am.” Louis rolls his eyes in the dark, but I see him. I pull on one shoe and begin to look around for the other. I just wanted to get back to my house and go to sleep without worrying about being caught.

“Right, because that’s so much worse than jail.” I find my shoe just as he finishes talking and it takes me a moment to tell myself not to throw the shoe at him. I angrily shove my foot into it and squish down the back, not even caring about ruining them at this point. I had to get out of that house.

Any other day, the place would be fine. His house would be a great place to relax and hang out. But now, the house fills me with guilt and worry. Now it reminds me that any day my mother could find out about my secret relationship with a man who is ten years older than me. I’m not going to let her find out.

I don’t say anything to Louis as I angrily yank open his door and walk out of his bedroom. As I walk down the hallway, I can hear him shuffling out of bed. I really didn’t want him to follow me.

“Harry, wait a minute!” Louis yelled to me as I walked towards his staircase. I had no intentions of waiting, so I kept walking. “Harry.” I turned around to look at him.

“What?” I angrily spit out. His eyes widen at me.

“What do you mean ‘what’?” he asked me, quickly walking over to me. “What happened in there?” I don’t say anything. Before he came into the hallway, he put on some boxers, as if he planned to chase me out of the house if he needed to. That was Louis for you. I wouldn’t let him chase me out of the house.

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