Chapter Thirteen: Can't Control Me

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Currently, I am sitting in Louis' classroom alone. He was in some sort of after school meeting and told me to wait for him if I wanted. My other option would be the bus... so here I am.

I look down at the poorly made paper airplane in my hands and shrug as I throw it, only to watch it immediately nose dive to the floor. A sigh escapes my lips. I had never been in Louis' room without him for so long. If I stay here any longer without anything to do, I'll die from boredom. I already organized his desk, something he had been meaning to get to forever; cleaned up his last classes' mess, and did my homework, and that says a lot.

Looking over to the clock and realizing it read '3:50', I let out a groan. He isn't going to be back until ten or twenty after four. I'm going to cross teacher off of my list of jobs I could possibly have one day because the length of these meetings is way too long. Then again, every good job has long meetings. I groan at that too.

"Mr. Tomlinson I just came to drop these papers-" I jump up from Louis' desk, which is where I'm currently seated with my legs propped up on top of it, to meet the eyes of Mr. Wright. I try to ignore the scowl on his lips. Please remember that Louis is my tutor. "Mr. Styles," he speaks, meeting my eyes, which I'm sure looked a bit panicked.

"He's in a meeting, Mr. Wright," I say. He stands there for a minute observing me before speaking again.

"Are you waiting on him for something?" he asks.

"Tutoring," I respond. Mr. Wright claps his hands together.

"Your tutoring. That's right," he says as if just remembering. "You've been waiting on him all of this time?" I nod my head.

"He's in a meeting right now so I just figured I'd wait here." He nods his head.

"What is he tutoring you with again?" he questions.

"Language arts."

"I can tutor you today. Those teacher meetings run long and Mr. Tomlinson isn't going to be back anytime soon." I can't think of a way to protest. I should have said something like math or science but instead I told my language arts teacher I was getting help with language arts. That was smart of me.

"Um... sure," I respond. "I mean I guess that'd be okay." He walks over to Louis' desk and places the papers on top of the newly organized table.

"Well, come to my room then," Mr. Wright says.

"Sure. I'll just write a note to Mr. Tomlinson to tell him where I am." He nods. I open one of the drawers of his desk and grab a pen.

I'm in Mr. Wright's room getting tutored. Help. Don't forget me here. Remember Mr. Wright's room. I know how you like to forget things. See you then.

I place the note on top of the papers that Mr. Wright brought in, hoping that he'll see them. It is kind of like Louis to ignore work until the last minute. That may not have been a good idea. Nonetheless I grab my book bag and follow Mr. Wright out of the door and down the hallway.

"So Harry," Mr. Wright says as we walk, breaking the silence that had formed, "what all is Mr. Tomlinson helping you with today?"

"Well, I was going to have him look over the essay I wrote for your class," I say. That was simple enough of an answer.

"You asked him to help you with something for my class?" He questions me curiously.

"Yeah," I say, even though it came out as more of a question.

"I don't really understand why you need help with your work Harry," Mr. Wright says, somewhat changing the subject. "You are doing exceptionally well in my class. One of the top students." I didn't know that.

"What can I say? Louis is really good at Language," I respond. More like really good at kissing... I just wouldn't tell Mr. Wright that...

"I'll have to tell somebody that. He needs a recommendation to get a full time job here and if he's doing such a good job with you, he's really needed here." Crap. I know nothing about Louis' teaching skills. I'm sure he's fine.

"That should be nice," I respond in my quiet, awkward 'I'd rather not be here' voice. "I'm sure he'd like to hear that." Mr. Wright doesn't respond, but it doesn't matter by then because we are outside of his classroom.

"So you can pull out your paper while I grab you a chair so you can sit up here," he points to his desk.

"Okay," I say. Mr. Wright walks up behind me with the chair and places it to where I can sit, which I do.

After he sits in his chair, I hand him my paper and he slides his glasses on to read it. The room is very awkward and quiet, so I play with a string that is falling off of my sleeve until Mr. Wright clears his throat. My head snaps up immediately.

"Harry," he begins. "This paper is really good. There was maybe one or two spelling errors but other than that it was flawless."

"Thank you," I respond. I honestly didn't think that the paper was good at all.

"Harry, has Mr. Tomlinson helped with this paper at all?"

"No sir. He was just gonna help with it today."

"Honestly Harry if you can do this alone, I don't think you need tutoring." He clears his throat for the umpteenth time. "Why do you even go to him?" It was excuse time.

"Some assignments I get from you are difficult..."

"Then come see me after class to clear things up! You don't need tutoring every single day," Mr. Wright says. "You're a teenage boy and you could use that time wasted on Mr. Tomlinson's tutoring for something more productive couldn't you?"

"Louis isn't a waste of time," I say before realizing I needed to correct myself. "The tutoring I mean."

"You spend too much time with him Harry. It seems like there's something going on between the two of you. I don't need to be suspicious do I?" he questions, leaning forward in his chair.

"Why would you need to be suspicious?" I question.

"You're calling him by his first name for Christ's sake," he says.

"Because we're friends," I say starting to get angry at him.

"You don't need to be friends with a teacher Harry!" he yells matching my angry tone.

"I came here to get help on my paper, not to get accused of having a relationship with a teacher, who is male might I clear up." I hope the 'I'm-not-gay' card will work. I push myself out of the chair and angrily yank my paper from Mr. Wright's hands and shove it in my book-bag. "If I want to be tutored, I will be. You have no rights over me." I turn on the heels of my feet and make my way to the door.

"Get back here Mr. Styles. Don't talk to me that way," he yells after me. "You'll be seeing yourself in detention if you don't come back here now."

"Give me all of the detention you want. I couldn't give one ounce of a fuck." I angrily shove the door open and stomp outside making sure to slam it behind me. Of course when I try to stomp down the hallway I run into the chest of Louis Tomlinson.

"Are you okay Harry?" he questions, pushing me back and searching my face .

"M'fine." He raises an eyebrow at me.

"What happened? I came to get you like you said." He holds the note I wrote him up.?

"Yeah, can we just go? I'll tell you in the car or something."

"Okay," he says slowly. "Let's go then." He puts his hand on my shoulder and walks by my side as we make our way out of the school. When we're in his car and away from the school he speaks again, "Are you gonna tell me what's going on or what? I don't like upset Harry."

"Mr. Wright is what's pissing me off. He had the nerve to tell me to stop coming to see you after school and that he was suspicious of something between us." Louis lets out a long sigh.

"Maybe that's a good idea. Us not being around each other too much at school." He says the last part quietly.

"What? I thought you liked-" he cuts me off.

"I do! Don't you dare think different," he sighs, "it's just that everyone is getting a little suspicious about you coming into my room every day. It's dangerous Harry."

"I understand. I guess I can start eating in the lunchroom from now on. And taking the bus home."

"Don't take the bus. I'll still take you home after school. But maybe you eating elsewhere is a good idea. For now anyway," he says. I nod my head and try to ignore the lump forming in my throat. "You can come with me some days if you want."

"I want," I say quietly.

"And we've still got after school, where no one can see us and tell us what we can't do."

"Yeah," I say. Nobody can tell us what to do after school and if I want to be with Louis then dammit I will. "If we want to be together nobody's gonna stop us."

"Amen," Louis says throwing his hands in the air.

"We're gonna go to your place and make out and nobody's gonna tell us different," I say.

"Oh we are, are we?" he asks jokingly.

"Hell yeah we are. And you're gonna like it Tomlinson."

"Oh I will." He and I laugh as we pull into his driveway. We jump out of the car and nearly run inside but don't make it far before I attack him with my mouth. He starts laughing as soon as I try to kiss him.

"Come on Louis. We're supposed to be making out here." I whine.

"Let's go to my couch at least before we just lay on the floor and make out because that would be weird and I haven't mopped in like three months," he says, laughing at the 'ew' that comes out of my mouth. Somehow, we make it to his living room where we then proceed to kiss each other.

His hand snakes around my waist and pulls me further onto the couch and he slowly lays me down. I run my fingers through his hair as his tongue swipes my bottom lip for entrance, which I don't deny. The kiss sends tingles through my spine and down my arms and legs. He's gentle with me and the kiss isn't hungry or rough; it's perfect.

We break apart gasping for air. "We need to do this more often," he pants as he runs a hand over my face to brush the curls that have fallen down away.

"Agreed," I respond before pulling him back down to me and reattaching our lips. We kiss and kiss until we can't anymore, but not because we don't want to. It's getting too heated to continue.

"I like this," Louis pulls back letting me see his swollen lips. "I like kissing you like this. I can tell you haven't done it that much, but you're still really good at it. I'll never understand how that works." I chuckle at his comment.

"You aren't too shabby yourself."

"Thank you," he says. "Now I don't know about you, but all of this making out we did has given me a pretty large appetite." My stomach growls suddenly in agreement. Louis laughs and pokes it. "I'll order us a pizza."

"I love pizza," I say.

"I know," responds as he pokes my nose. "I'll be right back." I turn my head to watch him walk into the kitchen to call in the order.

Fuck Mr. Wright and his stupid orders to quit being around Louis. I'm doing this every day.

A/N: Sorry for the crappiness of the chapter. I had to write it on my phone because I don't have wifi because my dad refuses to get it. He's dumb. Anywho, thanks for 10k reads on my piece of poop story. I'm sorry this is so late. I had finals all last week and that was rough. Then life got in the way. But I'm back with a new chapter so that's how that goes.


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