Chapter 1

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Dove's P.O.V

My dad pulls out of the driveway as I take a last glance at the place I once called home filled with unforgettable,good,bad,ugly,broken,sad,depressing ,life changing memories. You notice that most of my memories shared here in Johannesburg was not really very pleasant.

Thing is there was a time where everything was perfect. Perfect in a way which no one would understand. Everyone has their ups and downs. That was the life I considered "perfect" filled with great happy feelings and sad bitter ones but I loved it. Why? Because I was happy and I had thee greatest thing anyone could ask for. That was my bestfriend Sam Ferreira.

(Flashback- 10 months ago)

"Happy birthday sweetie!"

My mom and dad exclaim barging into my room. I groan snuggling further into my pillow.Next thing I know my mom opens the curtains blinding me with the sun.

"Mom!! Let me  sleep it's like in the middle of the night" I say with my eyes still close. Gee I swear you can never sleep peacefully in this house.

"Come on pumpkin you can't sleep all day it's your birthday" my dad says removing the blankets from my body and I immediately miss the warmth. You might think that I'm a drama queen and all  but I seriously do not feel for this day. Yeah I know  it's my womb escape day I should be excited but not this year. Why?

So you see a few months back my favourite boyband The Vamps announced their tour here and the date of their tour happens to fall on my birthday. I know what's going through your head right now 'oh my gaaaaaaah she's crazy it's just a silly boyband'. I know they just a boyband but a girl can only dream of seeing their favourite boyband live with her bestfriend I mean it's a fudging once in a lifetime experience. Unfortunately for me and Sam my bestfriend we were very unlucky. Not that we didn't have money,we've been saving for this day ever since the announcement of the tour here. It just so happens the tour was sold out on the second day after thee announcement. My dreams were crushed, not only was it disappointing but Sam and I was so excited to go we even made our posters years back.(okay I'm exaggerating but it was a few weeks back) I had this whole day planned out but looks like it will just be me and my bed.

I let out another frustrating groan "Dad I'm cold' I whine. I just want to go back to my bed and forget this day.

"Oh no no no no you getting out of bed right now, and if you not downstairs in five minutes you can forget about the surprise we have for you" my mom says grabbing my dad, leaving my room and leaving me confused.

"Surprise?" I say confused as hell. I shrug and sprint to my  bathroom faster than Wayde Van Niekerk. Whattttttt? I love surprises. I take a quick shower and change into a shorts and a tank top. I slip on my flip flops and run down the stairs almost tripping. I straighten myself before walking into the kitchen expecting to see Bradley Simpson standing in his birthday suit. Whaaaat? A girl can only wish. But to my dismay it was just my two loving parents. Mom is busy at the stove flipping Pancakes and dad is sitting at the table reading he's newspaper. Yeah typical day at the Watson household.

"Sooo... What's the surprise" I ask excitedly jumping up and down like a little girl. The reason why I'm so excited is because my Birthday is ruined and I need something to lighten my mood.

"Not so fast Missy breakfast first" my mom says ruining my whole 'Hoping this day get better' mood.

"I'm not hungry" I state eager to know what the surprise is, even tho my mouth is watering for those delicious pancakes along with bacon,eggs, toast,sausages,fruit, yogurt  and cereals. Whoa I didn't even notice my mom went all out today. I wonder what the "joyous" occasion is.(I hope you can smell my sarcasm)

My dad raise an eyebrow at me "You. Turning down food? I'd never thought I'd see the day!" My dad exclaim closing his newspaper clearly interested in why his daughter is turning down food. My mom also turn around to look at me with a shocked facial expression.
Ugh parents they know me so well. Yeah I know food is my soulmate, I just love food so much, I mean who doesn't.

"Okay, Okay Geez I was just joking" I say lifting my hands up in surrender before I stuff my plate full of pancakes. "Sometimes I wonder where the food goes" my dad mutters.

"Hey! I heard that" I say with a mouth full of pancakes before my mom hits me with a spatula on my arm
"Where's your manners you don't speak with a mouth full of food" my mom says sternly as I rub my arm

"Mom it's my birthday you can't hit me" I whine

"Yeah you 17 years old today but you still don't know  how to eat properly" my mom says jokingly rolling here eyes.

"I think it's time for your surprise" my dad says pushing his plate away as he gets up handing me a box wrapped in wrapping paper. I immediately get excited, oh my gosh I absolutely love surprises! My mom dries  her hands with a kitchen towel and walks over to the table.

I tear the wrapping paper of roughly and hastily open the box. Inside the box is a cute backpack with the British flag in front. Inside the bag is a portable charger, a camera, hair bands and a small towel. I look at my parents  both of them grinning from ear to ear.They both looking at me like they waiting for some sort of reaction from me. I let out a nervous chuckle "Uh.. this is great..... I mean its nice, Thank you?" I say but it comes out more like a question. Both my parents stare at me for a moment then burst out laughing. I look at them confusedly as my mom clutch her stomach and my dad looking like a constipated chimpanzee as they laugh hysterically. "What?" I ask confusedly feeling very amused and it takes everything in me  not laugh at the sight in front of me.

"Y-Y-Your face...." my dad says between laughs. I just look at these two crazy people in front of me whom I call my parents. After both my parents sobered up from their laughing fit my takes out something from the cute "British bag". It was a rectangular shaped box I didn't seem to notice in the bag.

"This is your actual surprise" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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