Chapter Seven: Briar Beauty

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Briar Beauty yawned and stretched her arms. It was the second day of summer break, and Briar was already bored.

She checked the pink tiara digital clock on her mahogany nightstand. It read, 1:16 pm. So Briar stretched and yawned again.

She got up from her very comfortable silk and feather bed and walked to her closet, where she picked out a hot pink knee-length dress, with black roses lining the rim of the bottom and sleeves. The dress had black jewels glittering almost everywhere.

Then she picked on hot pink shoes with black jewels to match and a black choker.

She laid her outfit on her bed and went to go take a shower. When she was finished, ishe got dressed and looked at her self in the full-length mirror.

Her hair was a mess, so Briar took her pink hairbrush and brushed small strokes through it. Soon her hair was back to the brown and pink wavy hair she always had.

Briar sighed, not always she thought to herself. But Briar shook her head and continued to stare at herself in the mirror.

Something was off, Briar could tell. She looked at her nightstand-bingo! Her friendship bracelet that she got from Apple sat there all alone.

Briar walked over and put on the pink rose bracelet, then returned to her mirror.

"Much better," she said to her self. But that got her thinking.

Am I really much better? I only have one year left until I wake up in another century. ONE YEAR! I have one year with my friends, one year with my family, one year to do what I want before I become queen of some random place. What if there is an apocalypse, and I'm the only person left? What if...

Briar's head hurt from so many thoughts, but one thought stuck to her the most: one year.

But Briar wiped away a tear, her makeup artists would be coming in soon, even though Briar thought that was ridiculous since she could do her own makeup, but her mom insisted.

As if on cue, there was a knock on Briar's mahogany door.

"My princess it is almost time for lunch, may I come in?" her artist asked, and Briar could hear her grit her teeth when she said lunch.

Her makeup artist, Daphnia, was nice enough but hated Briar for her constancy to wake up for lunch and miss breakfast.

"Come in!" Briar called.

Daphnia came in, she motioned for Briar to sit at her makeup table. Daphnia and her assistant Faunter, went to work.

Daphnia was a short and plump woman with jet black hair that was perfectly straight. She wore a dark blue dress that reached the floor, and probably navy blue high heels since Brair knew she wasn't that tall. Daphnia's makeup was wild. She had really thick eyelashes, and crazy things with her eyeliner Briar couldn't describe, her light blush was easily visible on her olive skin, and her lips had just the right amount of lip gloss.

Some would say Daphnia's style made her look like a clown, others would say it was beautiful.

Daphnia's assistant Faunter was so different. Faunter was the daughter of Fauna, who raised Briar's mother Aurora. Faunter was thin, and a little taller then Briar. She had bright orange hair put up in a bun. She wore a silk red dress that also reached the floor. Her makeup was very modest compared to her boss' makeup, and Briar liked her a lot more.

First, Daphnia applied moisturizer to Briar's face, while Faunter brushed Briar's damp hair.

"I still don't understand why you dyed it brown and pink," Daphnia said for the billionth time.

Briar shrugged while trying to keep her eyes open so Daphnia could put on mascara. "Blond hair and pink are the colors all girls imagine a princess to be, I wanted to be different but I had to adopt pink because of my mother, so I went pink, black and sometimes brown,"

Daphnia just shook her head in disgust, and Faunter just kept brushing.

Soon the pair were finished and Briar got off her make up stool and stretched her arms while Daphnia and Faunter left her room.

After a few minutes of staring at the gold wallpaper on the walls of her bedroom, Briar finally went downstairs. She arrived in the dining room to see a romantic table set for two.

"My Princess," a servant dressed in a black suite and bow tie called to her, "So sorry, the table is set for your parents as a little surprise for your mother."

"Oh," was all Briar said.

"We will have a table set for your midday meal," the servant replied, as he started to walk away.

"Oh, um," Briar started, and the servant turned, "actually, I was planing on going to Book End."

"Of course, your highness," he bowed,"should I get the limousine ready?"

"Yes please,"Briar answered.

The servant gave a little nod then hurried off.

Brair went back to the grand entrance, only to see her father walking down the stairs.

"Father!" Briar called and ran to give him a hug.

"Briar!" he embraced his daughter.

"What are you doing here? aren't you supposed to be, like, in your office doing work, or signing peace treaties?" Briar asked.

Her father chuckled, "I'm checking on a surprise I planed for your mother."

"A romantic dinner, seriously? That's all you can come up with?"

"Well... what else do you propose?" her father asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"A trip to the most adventurous place in every fairytale, a journey that included a hut in the woods, three fairys, a very good looking prince, an evil person, and a spinning weel, don't forget the cursed spinning weel that will make any princess  slumber for one hundred years." Briar answered smiling.

Her father chuckled," that already happened years ago."

"I know," Briar smiled shyly.

"Well, I love you, my daughter," Briar's father gave her a kiss, then walked into the dining room.

Briar waited in the grand entrance for the limousine to arrive.

Just then, a maid came succor ring over carrying Briar's pink and black rose handbag.

"My Princess," the maid said, trying to catch her breath,"you almost forgot this." she handed the bag to Briar.

"Oh, thank you so much," Briar replied.

"I put in 20 fairytale coins, your mirror phone, and your student ID," the maid announced.

"Thank you so much," Briar repeated.

Just then, the limousine pulled up, and Briar walked out of her castle, and into the open limousine door.

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