What he loves about you.

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He loves that you gave him a chance to show the real him. He will do anything that will show you that he is not a bully and wants to change he acts towards the losers club but struggle to.

He loves how you don't care what people think about you two being  together. Sure you both get werid looks all the time in school and out of school  but he doesn't give any fucks just like you.

He loves how you are always there when he needs you the most. He does get upset but doesn't cry in front of anyone besides you. He trust you so much and he knows that you trust him

He loves that you listen to him talking about cars. I know it's sounds a bit werid but he fucking loves cars and you. He would talk about cars all the time and you would never get bored of listen to him. You would ask questions and he loves answering them!

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