the enchanted forest

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You awoke to the sun shining through your bedroom curtains and you could hear Rumple whistling his way towards your room. You very quickly got up out of bed snapped your fingers and you were dressed and your bed was made.
For the 18 years you had lived with Rumple he has no knowledge that you have magic ,he's never seen you do any and he hasn't taught you.

Just as you were looking in the mirror there came a loud knock on your bedroom door.

"May I come in dearie?" Questioned Rumple.

" Yes it's fine I'm dressed" you replied as you ran a hand through your hair to try and smooth it down.

The door opened slowly and you saw him staring at you as you looked at your reflection in the mirror.
You smiled politely and turned around to face him.

"Would you like me to make you breakfast?" You ask softly.

"No no dearie I've done that I was waking you to say would you like to join me?" He asked almost embarrassed.

"That would be lovely thank you Rumple, I shall be down in a moment I just need to brush my hair"
Just as you said that he nods and disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.
You chuckle to yourself and pick up your hairbrush, brush your hair then made your way downstairs.
You could have teleported but you didn't want Rumple to see your magic.
You only use your magic if Rumple is not in the castle or near you as you don't know how he would react if you were caught.

You walked into the hall with a long wooden table and Rumple sat at the end,he smiled then motioned you to sit down next to him.

"Would you like me to teach you magic dearie?" He asked softly as you munched on a rice cake.

"I.. I already have magic..." You stutter not sure of how Rumple would react.

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